Hey guy's!! What is up people of earth and beyond??? How is everyone? :)
Glad I have time to write today.. It's yucky weather here in California all rainy and windy... :( I do NOT like it at all!!! This type of weather makes me tired in the day.. Did school today and than cleaned my room and chilled around the house..
Lately I have been into Anime, yes it's a cartoon but some are really good and cute! Like the one I am currently watching. It is called Shurgo Chara... No making fun of me allowed!!!!!! :P
Do you guy's like tacos???? :D YOU BETTER LIKE THEM....we had them last night for dinner it was amazing.... Of course I am a huge lover of taco's well basically any mexican food I absolutely love!!! L-O-V-E!!!! hahahhahha... And i'm pretty sure you guy's love me...? right....?? D: Good you do now I am extra happy than before!!! :D
Well I realize this was not very long but going to jet on out~~
About Me
- Crazymonkeyboss
- Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Hey Guy's!! What is up?? I have so missed you all have not been able to write life is keeping me busy and away from my laptop. :(
Ever since it is friday I have more time to write a longer Blog.. LOL! School is amazing really doing great and grasping thing's!! :) So happy!!
Have you guy's been good while I was gone?????? Din't miss me to much?? :) LOL hehe..
How is the start Fall been for you??? Hope it wonderful!! I always enjoy the changing of leafs and the tree's!!
Here in California it is raining... D: And it's soooo cold i'm like wearing 6 shirts!!! Jk!!
That is would get hot after awhile wearing that much clothing I would be sweating bullets...... O_O HAHAHAAHAHAHA...
Recently, a good friend of mine has gotten me into Anime!! In case, you do not know what that is... It is Japanese cartoon's.. YES!! I still watch cartoons.. xD
Favorite subject for school? Probably Biology or Spelling? :) Fo shure!!!!
Glad to see most of you still read my blog have close to 500 still!!! CRAZZZYYY!!!
Well gotta go bye!!!
Ever since it is friday I have more time to write a longer Blog.. LOL! School is amazing really doing great and grasping thing's!! :) So happy!!
Have you guy's been good while I was gone?????? Din't miss me to much?? :) LOL hehe..
How is the start Fall been for you??? Hope it wonderful!! I always enjoy the changing of leafs and the tree's!!
Here in California it is raining... D: And it's soooo cold i'm like wearing 6 shirts!!! Jk!!
That is would get hot after awhile wearing that much clothing I would be sweating bullets...... O_O HAHAHAAHAHAHA...
Recently, a good friend of mine has gotten me into Anime!! In case, you do not know what that is... It is Japanese cartoon's.. YES!! I still watch cartoons.. xD
Favorite subject for school? Probably Biology or Spelling? :) Fo shure!!!!
Glad to see most of you still read my blog have close to 500 still!!! CRAZZZYYY!!!
Well gotta go bye!!!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Once again back....
What is up my people from another world???? I am Anna and I'm back with my Blog!! :) Hehe glad to see all of you are still reading these! Sorry I have not been able to write in a really long time.. SO busy with School and Life in general. School is great!!! Loving Biology so far that's my favorite next to English!! What is going on with you guy's?? Hope y'all din't get bored while I was gone for awhile.... Of course you din't because my blog's comfort you all while I am away living my life!!!!!!! ;)
Still really, into Music and all that......Music is still a HUGE part of my life and I think it always will be. It's my way to escape the world lol. Do any of you agree with me?? YES!! I see you in the back..
Still really, into Music and all that......Music is still a HUGE part of my life and I think it always will be. It's my way to escape the world lol. Do any of you agree with me?? YES!! I see you in the back..
Well gotta run bye!! :D
Monday, August 20, 2012
Still can't think of a title
Hey everyone!! What's going on today? Not much here just sitting updated my Blog so make sure to take a look at that... So I have a request for my viewers, here it is.. If you go to the top of my Blog and you can see I put it where You can share on Facebook or Twitter. Please do so!!! You guy's are the ones the make this possible so I need that support. Thanks!! :)
School is starting soon, that's why I put my image on school books so we can get back into the school theme instead of fun themes...Excited to be a Soft-More in High school, going to be a new thing and a challenge!! Ready to tackle it head on!!! >:D LOL! Except for Algebra1 think I will avoid tackling that....Perhaps you can tackle it for me...? HA! Joking.. Can't wait to give Spanish, a try again hopefully I will do better!!! I tried last year but, wasn't really putting effort into learning....
I'm going to answer a few questions..
1. Favorite music artist? Usher.
2. What am I interested in? Ducttape.
3. Favorite Cartoon show growing up? This is weird, considering it was a boy show but I liked Justice League.
4. Occupation? Music and Family.
5. Favorite food? PIZZA! :D
6. Best movie seen? Batman The Dark Knight Rises.
7. Person I look up to? I have more than one. Parent's and my Grandpa.
Alright now time for just out of this world questions I came up with.....
1. What would I do if I was trapped in Spongebob? Would run around like a crazy person.
2. Do I prefer TV or Listening to a opera singer? Opera Singer, they say opera makes your mind grow.
Okay that's enough for me...This is making my head hurt!!! LOL!!!!!!
Well I am going to go bye!!! Love you guys!!!
School is starting soon, that's why I put my image on school books so we can get back into the school theme instead of fun themes...Excited to be a Soft-More in High school, going to be a new thing and a challenge!! Ready to tackle it head on!!! >:D LOL! Except for Algebra1 think I will avoid tackling that....Perhaps you can tackle it for me...? HA! Joking.. Can't wait to give Spanish, a try again hopefully I will do better!!! I tried last year but, wasn't really putting effort into learning....
I'm going to answer a few questions..
1. Favorite music artist? Usher.
2. What am I interested in? Ducttape.
3. Favorite Cartoon show growing up? This is weird, considering it was a boy show but I liked Justice League.
4. Occupation? Music and Family.
5. Favorite food? PIZZA! :D
6. Best movie seen? Batman The Dark Knight Rises.
7. Person I look up to? I have more than one. Parent's and my Grandpa.
Alright now time for just out of this world questions I came up with.....
1. What would I do if I was trapped in Spongebob? Would run around like a crazy person.
2. Do I prefer TV or Listening to a opera singer? Opera Singer, they say opera makes your mind grow.
Okay that's enough for me...This is making my head hurt!!! LOL!!!!!!
Well I am going to go bye!!! Love you guys!!!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Hey all. What's going on? Not much just writing you guys!! Thank you to Steve Finnel for following me!!! :) God Bless ya bro!!!
Today is a nice day here....Hope you guy's enjoyed my Testimony last night.. Thanks for letting me share. Anyways... Getting ready for the new school year.. YEEP!! Sis is starting College, so that will be different because i'll be doing school alone at home... ):
Oh well maybe i'll learn to focus better, yes I have a hard time focusing I have a hard time sitting still.... So maybe this change will benefit me....
Looking, at the stats I see that 2 people from ALGERIA are reading!! No idea you guys had computers over there.... :O LOL!!!
Listening to music!!! :D LOl this is the most random blog on earth....I am listening to Switchfoot.. Anyway I am cutting this blog short... Sorry!! BYEEE!!
Today is a nice day here....Hope you guy's enjoyed my Testimony last night.. Thanks for letting me share. Anyways... Getting ready for the new school year.. YEEP!! Sis is starting College, so that will be different because i'll be doing school alone at home... ):
Oh well maybe i'll learn to focus better, yes I have a hard time focusing I have a hard time sitting still.... So maybe this change will benefit me....
Looking, at the stats I see that 2 people from ALGERIA are reading!! No idea you guys had computers over there.... :O LOL!!!
Listening to music!!! :D LOl this is the most random blog on earth....I am listening to Switchfoot.. Anyway I am cutting this blog short... Sorry!! BYEEE!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Testimony! :)
Hey everyone! What's going on tonight? Not much.. That's a good thing I want to share my Testimony with you guy's... Is that cool?
I realize a lot of people, in the world try to fill that empty gap with to many things that do not Last or Fulfill us... Drugs,Sex,Money, or perhaps Cutting... All those things can feel good for a bit but, does that stuff really help? Does it do good for us? I've heard a lot of testimonies and all of them say it's Useless! So than why do we still do it??? That's a question I would ask people...
Growing up I was raised in a Christian home and have amazing parents.. But, decided to take the road that my Friend's wanted me to take.. Got into Cussing and the more I followed them I drifted further and further from God. I'll never forget the day that I knew I needed to change... My friend and I were talking and she said "I like the new you!" I stopped her and asked What do you mean? She replied with "Well you have changed you do whatever you want and don't care if you cuss"......... Right there, that tore my heart into two big chunks.... So now I knew I needed to get right with Jesus..
When our Youth-Group went to a Festival called Spirit West Coast, we had a awesome time.. There was a motivational speaker who was telling all these stories about his life and it really hit me...About ready, to cry I handed my life back to God wanting to let him have COMPLETE control of my life again. A day later, got baptized in the Ocean!! Amen!!! :)
So I want to encourage, you guy's that if your struggling with something I want to be here for you!! God is always in control even if we don't know it. I din't know He was, not until I hit rock bottom...I said no more following time to let my God Lead.. Cause if I was to continue having control of my life.. Not sure, if I would still be writing this Blog..
So know that, God is all LOVING, NEVER Failing, and most important always forgiving!! Even if we don't deserve it.... He chose to give me a second chance and I made the choice that I want to serve and live for him every day!!!!! :)
Thank you guy's for letting me share... To this day, I serve God with everything and take any chance I can get to bless others..
God Bless!! -Anna-
I realize a lot of people, in the world try to fill that empty gap with to many things that do not Last or Fulfill us... Drugs,Sex,Money, or perhaps Cutting... All those things can feel good for a bit but, does that stuff really help? Does it do good for us? I've heard a lot of testimonies and all of them say it's Useless! So than why do we still do it??? That's a question I would ask people...
Growing up I was raised in a Christian home and have amazing parents.. But, decided to take the road that my Friend's wanted me to take.. Got into Cussing and the more I followed them I drifted further and further from God. I'll never forget the day that I knew I needed to change... My friend and I were talking and she said "I like the new you!" I stopped her and asked What do you mean? She replied with "Well you have changed you do whatever you want and don't care if you cuss"......... Right there, that tore my heart into two big chunks.... So now I knew I needed to get right with Jesus..
When our Youth-Group went to a Festival called Spirit West Coast, we had a awesome time.. There was a motivational speaker who was telling all these stories about his life and it really hit me...About ready, to cry I handed my life back to God wanting to let him have COMPLETE control of my life again. A day later, got baptized in the Ocean!! Amen!!! :)
So I want to encourage, you guy's that if your struggling with something I want to be here for you!! God is always in control even if we don't know it. I din't know He was, not until I hit rock bottom...I said no more following time to let my God Lead.. Cause if I was to continue having control of my life.. Not sure, if I would still be writing this Blog..
So know that, God is all LOVING, NEVER Failing, and most important always forgiving!! Even if we don't deserve it.... He chose to give me a second chance and I made the choice that I want to serve and live for him every day!!!!! :)
Thank you guy's for letting me share... To this day, I serve God with everything and take any chance I can get to bless others..
God Bless!! -Anna-
Monday, August 6, 2012
chips nom nom nom!!!!!
Hey people?! What's going on.. Same here not much, chilling on the couch listening to Youtube.. :) What is it I'm listening to?? Phantom Of The Opera!!
Amazing musical/movie. One of my favorites... What's you're favorite movie? Or Musical...My top favorite has to be The Lord Of The Rings series... :D I've watched them so many times I have lost count after 35......O.o
You know what's weird??? Of all the times, I have sat on our couches I always sit on the same one which isn't as big as the other ones..... Hmm weird huh?? I sorta now regret having 2 Blog's.....It's not that I don't want to write you guy's...I love it!! I really do... Just get's hard at times to keep up with both and keep everything updated......
Anyways....Here in California it is beautiful nice and sunny also with a slight breeze! What's it like where ever you live???? I can guess... Hmmm... Rainy? Cloudy? Hot? Cold? There now tell me which one of those 4 is it.. LOL! You guy's want to see a awesome picture???? Okay here it is......
Amazing musical/movie. One of my favorites... What's you're favorite movie? Or Musical...My top favorite has to be The Lord Of The Rings series... :D I've watched them so many times I have lost count after 35......O.o
You know what's weird??? Of all the times, I have sat on our couches I always sit on the same one which isn't as big as the other ones..... Hmm weird huh?? I sorta now regret having 2 Blog's.....It's not that I don't want to write you guy's...I love it!! I really do... Just get's hard at times to keep up with both and keep everything updated......
Anyways....Here in California it is beautiful nice and sunny also with a slight breeze! What's it like where ever you live???? I can guess... Hmmm... Rainy? Cloudy? Hot? Cold? There now tell me which one of those 4 is it.. LOL! You guy's want to see a awesome picture???? Okay here it is......
Yes I know Zombies are not real but here's what it says....1. Choose your weapon....2. Aim for the head...3. Don't miss!!!!!! -laughs- Sorry but that cracks me up peep....Peep?!?! O.O That's the first time I have used that in a Blog...... YAY!! New word..... Here's another one...Cacotopia.. Yes that is a word it means.. When a state is as bad as it can be...(not a state we live in...) So that's one nasty state... Yikes!! I can't even figure out how to say it!!!!! GRRRRR!!!! :O
If you want a whole meaning look it up..Cause that was all I came up on the inter-web... Hmm idk if that's a word either...Inter-web????? Someone made it up and I heard it....(Another way for Internet..)
So how many of you heard about that robot thing landing on Mars???? I dint watch so I have no idea....Don't really know why anything would want to be on Mars anyways.... :P No offense to you mars freaks...NO YOUR NOT A FREAK!!!!........................Okay maybe.............Don't get mad it's just a little.....No, no, no, don't cry........ D: Awe I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings... haha sorry... :DD Yay!!! I love you guy's for forgiving me.. :)
Brb...hungry.....back.. I got Salt and vinegar chips... NOM NOM NOM!!!!
Shout out!! To my amazing friend in the Philippians's who started reading. :) Love ya girl!!!!! This chips are fantastic! :D so good.... Well i better run going to watch a show.. Peace! :D
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Updates!! YAY!! :D
What's up? I know I said I had to go well I got distracted. So if you are reading my Blog good!! Cause you might see I have added some new Gadget things for ya guys..
I have a Poll with a question and some anwsers.
I also have a little intro thing about me.
A google translate thing so you can read it in whatever language it is you can read..
Also I know Blogger makes it hard to follow so I put it to where You can follow by email!!
Okay love you all!!! Peace..
I have a Poll with a question and some anwsers.
I also have a little intro thing about me.
A google translate thing so you can read it in whatever language it is you can read..
Also I know Blogger makes it hard to follow so I put it to where You can follow by email!!
Okay love you all!!! Peace..
Well howdy! This is the page of the Crazy!! WELCOME!! LOL!! I'm joking you guy's are not crazy neither am I.. Wait do you think I'm crazy?? Oh well.. I understand. ;)
So what is new?? Nothing huh. That sucks!! I am not doing much either so I am right there with ya. :) Guess what?!?!?! In case you haven't noticed I have updated my page so check it out.. :D
Today I am on a very secret mission....think you can handle it huh....are you ready??? So I currently have 768 of you guy's reading I want to reach 1,000.. So I need you guy's to click the Facebook button, Twitter, Email, whatever.. Do what you do!!! please.. :) You know you love me...
Anyway. Who is in love with this Blog? ME TO!!! Thank you for the one person who raised their hand... LOL! I feel so loved.. ;) How was the weekend? Mine was busy got a new bed!! Yay!! It's a queen size so it's pretty big.. :D Lol no more bunk beds for me.... Well I'm cutting this blog short.. I got stuff to do peace. LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Hey Guy's! What's up with my people? Not much huh.. Well i'm here so it just 99.9% better. :) Lol!! So this can be considerd a night Blog ever since it is almost 11pm here. Every time I want to write to you all, something comes up so i'm not able to. Sorry! Working on that so I can have time to write..
God has been blessing with many chances to Bless other people. Today, wrote a letter a young girl about my age and what happend was she live in the Philapians and she tried to commit Suicide. So I wrote her a nice letter to encourage her to come know Jesus! :)
Listening to Music like I alway's do.. Hehe it's my second world helps me cool down and just is also my way of worshiping God!! Happy got a new bed in my room it's a Queen Size so it's pretty big! Did all that on Saturday. So my room is diffrent.. But, I love my room to death!!! Espically, having my Tv and Ps3 in it so I like to play games and watch movies. :) Favorite Game? Hmm, Heavenly Sword than Rachet And Clank. I've already beaten Rachet And Clank but, now playing on Compition mode which is just starting over except everything is harder!!
Well heading to bed night!! Love you all!!!
God has been blessing with many chances to Bless other people. Today, wrote a letter a young girl about my age and what happend was she live in the Philapians and she tried to commit Suicide. So I wrote her a nice letter to encourage her to come know Jesus! :)
Listening to Music like I alway's do.. Hehe it's my second world helps me cool down and just is also my way of worshiping God!! Happy got a new bed in my room it's a Queen Size so it's pretty big! Did all that on Saturday. So my room is diffrent.. But, I love my room to death!!! Espically, having my Tv and Ps3 in it so I like to play games and watch movies. :) Favorite Game? Hmm, Heavenly Sword than Rachet And Clank. I've already beaten Rachet And Clank but, now playing on Compition mode which is just starting over except everything is harder!!
Well heading to bed night!! Love you all!!!
Monday, July 16, 2012
I love you!!!!
Hey. It's me again!! I know I wrote yesterday but, I'm not doing much so I'll write another.. Is that cool? Yes? No? Well I'm going to anyways so deal with it. ;) Today is Monday the most random day. You know why?? Because, it's the first day of a new week so I'm like trying to figure out what the week has in store and such.. As you all know I was saying yesterday, I had a very long week.. Today I am feeling so much better cause I slept in!!
How many of you like to eat Tortilla's just with butter?? I have been like obsessed with it that right there is my lunch!! Hehe.... So this afternoon. Wait is 1pm considered afternoon?? Or more of a late lunch hour.... Hmm... ANYWAY!! I was reading some of my, blog's and I realized in the last 3, I put in the end "love you guys".. Is that like okay to do?? Cause, I know some people might think that's a little creepy or something.. What do you think??
Right now, have my iPod on my music dock so that means I'm listening to Pandora.. You all know what Pandora is?? It's a music station so I'm listening to music!! (Nothing New....) Playing on Pandora is Trip Lee, he is like the best Christian rapper next to Lecrae. ;)
Honestly, I love both of them and their songs... What song? It's called Come Close.. Never heard it.. Pretty good! So check it out if your into Rap..
You know what bugs me?? Like really irritates me!! Is when people listen to a song, you suggest and say they have heard it when they really never have... Grrr!! I'm like really?! Why not just be honest.. Is that soooo hard?????!!!! Oh well..... Whoa!! For 2 minutes I completely spaced out. Any of you done that? Where, you would be sitting or whatever and someone is talking to you and your just sitting there unresponsive.. I just did that. LOL!
I'm sure you have all heard of the singer Adam Lambert?! Well he is SCARY!! I'm sorry to any fans but he is really messed up and scary... :P Hmmm.... I want a taco right now. Sounds tasty!! This is one of those Blog's, where I don't expect to write a lot than I end up writing a lot....
Well I'm going to go. Peace! Love you Guys!! Grrr I said Love you again......
How many of you like to eat Tortilla's just with butter?? I have been like obsessed with it that right there is my lunch!! Hehe.... So this afternoon. Wait is 1pm considered afternoon?? Or more of a late lunch hour.... Hmm... ANYWAY!! I was reading some of my, blog's and I realized in the last 3, I put in the end "love you guys".. Is that like okay to do?? Cause, I know some people might think that's a little creepy or something.. What do you think??
Right now, have my iPod on my music dock so that means I'm listening to Pandora.. You all know what Pandora is?? It's a music station so I'm listening to music!! (Nothing New....) Playing on Pandora is Trip Lee, he is like the best Christian rapper next to Lecrae. ;)
Honestly, I love both of them and their songs... What song? It's called Come Close.. Never heard it.. Pretty good! So check it out if your into Rap..
You know what bugs me?? Like really irritates me!! Is when people listen to a song, you suggest and say they have heard it when they really never have... Grrr!! I'm like really?! Why not just be honest.. Is that soooo hard?????!!!! Oh well..... Whoa!! For 2 minutes I completely spaced out. Any of you done that? Where, you would be sitting or whatever and someone is talking to you and your just sitting there unresponsive.. I just did that. LOL!
I'm sure you have all heard of the singer Adam Lambert?! Well he is SCARY!! I'm sorry to any fans but he is really messed up and scary... :P Hmmm.... I want a taco right now. Sounds tasty!! This is one of those Blog's, where I don't expect to write a lot than I end up writing a lot....
Well I'm going to go. Peace! Love you Guys!! Grrr I said Love you again......
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Hey y'all. Welcome back to my Blog. Last week I wrote to you guy's so now I am again.
Lol been mega busy this week running around like a mad person. This weekend went to a Youth group camp type thing. Really neat and felt God's presence in every thing I did.
How's summer so far for you guy's?? Hope it's blessed!! :) Today is Sunday which mean's I went to Church. Yay!! We heard our Pastor speak on Faith.. Amazing!! :)
I also saw today on my stats that people in United Kingdom started reading my Blog.. :D That is like beyond Awesome! All of you guys are a huge Blessing to me!! At the Youth group event we had lots of games and Worship Service.. I played a fun game of Volleyball with some guys and my youth pastor.. Lol our team won!! Woot! :) For not playing Volleyball I actually did really good... Hehe I'm more of a basketball person... Made so many new friends there and hope to return in the future..
Moving on.... Music!!! The best thing invented in the whole wide world. Okay music is my way of like worshiping God. :) I'm a pretty big fanatic of Christian Music so, I try to stay away from the other junk.. No offence to the rest of you.... Right now my favorite song is Losing by Tenth Avenue North.. Look it up! Best song and so powerful... Ugh I got a bit sunburn on my face from yesterday!! Gr.. D: Lol how many of you get sunburn?? I don't really get it.. Maybe a little but, it turns to a tan so I really don't mind it... Hmm... Oh!! Exciting news I have successfully not run into any type of door.. YES!!! Makes me happy.. :D If you know me personally than you know I have a thing for running into things...
Well gotta run need to clean my room... Oop's? It's a mess again!!! GRRRRR... Peace!!
Love you guys with my heart!! :D
Lol been mega busy this week running around like a mad person. This weekend went to a Youth group camp type thing. Really neat and felt God's presence in every thing I did.
How's summer so far for you guy's?? Hope it's blessed!! :) Today is Sunday which mean's I went to Church. Yay!! We heard our Pastor speak on Faith.. Amazing!! :)
I also saw today on my stats that people in United Kingdom started reading my Blog.. :D That is like beyond Awesome! All of you guys are a huge Blessing to me!! At the Youth group event we had lots of games and Worship Service.. I played a fun game of Volleyball with some guys and my youth pastor.. Lol our team won!! Woot! :) For not playing Volleyball I actually did really good... Hehe I'm more of a basketball person... Made so many new friends there and hope to return in the future..
Moving on.... Music!!! The best thing invented in the whole wide world. Okay music is my way of like worshiping God. :) I'm a pretty big fanatic of Christian Music so, I try to stay away from the other junk.. No offence to the rest of you.... Right now my favorite song is Losing by Tenth Avenue North.. Look it up! Best song and so powerful... Ugh I got a bit sunburn on my face from yesterday!! Gr.. D: Lol how many of you get sunburn?? I don't really get it.. Maybe a little but, it turns to a tan so I really don't mind it... Hmm... Oh!! Exciting news I have successfully not run into any type of door.. YES!!! Makes me happy.. :D If you know me personally than you know I have a thing for running into things...
Well gotta run need to clean my room... Oop's? It's a mess again!!! GRRRRR... Peace!!
Love you guys with my heart!! :D
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Hi Guy's! How's it going with all my viewers?? Been missing y'all this summer. Sorry I have not written life has me running around and enjoying my summer! So what have you guy's been up too? How was 4th of July? Mine was awesome had Church family over and of course did Fireworks!! First year of lighting them!! YAY! My sister said it's dangerous to let me handle fire... O_O I don't see what's so bad about it. Do you?? Oh well beats me..
Still very very much into my Music. And Basketball those things are my passion! Don't bother to ask if i've gotten any louder.. I'm always loud it's apart of my personality.. :D Which is a good thing right? Enjoying Youth Group!! Get's better and better thanks to my awesome youth pastor. :) Life is good Life with God is AMAZING!! God is so powerful and can make life Enjoyable. Okay i'll stop before I give a lecture..... :P
NEW RECORD!! I have not ran into a door since Yesterday.. YAY!! :D Lol is that a record? Oh well who cares. Wait... You care?! O_O Fine I sorta lied I ran into a door today. Gee you guy's love giving me a guilt trip!! JOKING!! You know I love you all.. Haha speaking of doors.. When we went to a Airport they had those doors that keep spinning and my foot got stuck so the door was stuck.. O_O
Hmm thats about it.. Will see you guy's on saturday will be on this week. PEACE!! Love you guys!! :D
Anna Boo.
Still very very much into my Music. And Basketball those things are my passion! Don't bother to ask if i've gotten any louder.. I'm always loud it's apart of my personality.. :D Which is a good thing right? Enjoying Youth Group!! Get's better and better thanks to my awesome youth pastor. :) Life is good Life with God is AMAZING!! God is so powerful and can make life Enjoyable. Okay i'll stop before I give a lecture..... :P
NEW RECORD!! I have not ran into a door since Yesterday.. YAY!! :D Lol is that a record? Oh well who cares. Wait... You care?! O_O Fine I sorta lied I ran into a door today. Gee you guy's love giving me a guilt trip!! JOKING!! You know I love you all.. Haha speaking of doors.. When we went to a Airport they had those doors that keep spinning and my foot got stuck so the door was stuck.. O_O
Hmm thats about it.. Will see you guy's on saturday will be on this week. PEACE!! Love you guys!! :D
Anna Boo.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Amazing is all I have to say!!!
Hey all. How's it going? I'm good. This is going to be kind of a serious Night Blog for me. Want to talk to you guy's about something. Is that cool?
I don't know if you guy's know this but I live for an amazing God his name is Jesus! And every Blog I write is because of him. He has given me the gift of being funny and has allowed me to share with you awesome people about my Life. So I hope you guy's can come to know my God who is all loving never failing and has always had open arms.
Soo ever since it is 12:20am and im in bed lets have some fun!! Shall we?? Of course we will!!!! Right now I am listening to my Music (of course) and under my covers writing you people..
Hmm my room is very dark lol i never realized this till my mom told me.. She came in and is like its dark in here im like yep. And than shes like well not really now that i look cause you have all these blue lights.. Lol i have a lot of eletronics plugged in so i guess they have blue lights!!!!! Lawl!!! ;)
Anyway getting off the subject of blue lights... O.O all though i do like blue lights.. Anna snap out of it!!!! Oh oh sorry im kind of like.....idk i lost my train of thought! :O Oops??? Oh well..
So ever since I have people from frikin China reading is it day there?? Im guessing so.. See even people from china read. I cant get over how amazing my readers are, i mean really?!! Germany, China, Asia, Africa?!?! Where on earth and how on earth do you find me?!!
Hmm.... You guys know spanish?? I do.. Hola coma su madre? Coma su padre?? Hola, como es amego?
Haha google translate it.. :) duh!!
OMG!! You know what sounds good???? Cheese sticks!! Ooooh better a doughnut!!! Yeah that would hitt the spot.. Yummm!!! :) any of you know lingo? Well you will now.
Lol = Laugh out loud.
Rofl = Rolling on floor laughing.
Brb = Be right Back.
Brt = be right there.
Theres lots more... I cant sleep. But if i keep writing this is going to turn in to a story. Than it will be called Storytimewithanna.storytime.com
Lololol... Maybe I should tell a story.... Hmmmm... -thinks- ................ -many long thinking minutes later-..... OH!! I got one!!!
Once upon, a time there is a girl named Anna she lives and writes a Blog with AMAZING followers/readers.
The End.
Isnt it a beautiful story? Of course it is. That shows how much I love my fans..you know over 309 people in the united states read this.. AMAZING!! God bless you all. Well I better get going to sleep.. Anna will be back tomorrow.. Night!!
I don't know if you guy's know this but I live for an amazing God his name is Jesus! And every Blog I write is because of him. He has given me the gift of being funny and has allowed me to share with you awesome people about my Life. So I hope you guy's can come to know my God who is all loving never failing and has always had open arms.
Soo ever since it is 12:20am and im in bed lets have some fun!! Shall we?? Of course we will!!!! Right now I am listening to my Music (of course) and under my covers writing you people..
Hmm my room is very dark lol i never realized this till my mom told me.. She came in and is like its dark in here im like yep. And than shes like well not really now that i look cause you have all these blue lights.. Lol i have a lot of eletronics plugged in so i guess they have blue lights!!!!! Lawl!!! ;)
Anyway getting off the subject of blue lights... O.O all though i do like blue lights.. Anna snap out of it!!!! Oh oh sorry im kind of like.....idk i lost my train of thought! :O Oops??? Oh well..
So ever since I have people from frikin China reading is it day there?? Im guessing so.. See even people from china read. I cant get over how amazing my readers are, i mean really?!! Germany, China, Asia, Africa?!?! Where on earth and how on earth do you find me?!!
Hmm.... You guys know spanish?? I do.. Hola coma su madre? Coma su padre?? Hola, como es amego?
Haha google translate it.. :) duh!!
OMG!! You know what sounds good???? Cheese sticks!! Ooooh better a doughnut!!! Yeah that would hitt the spot.. Yummm!!! :) any of you know lingo? Well you will now.
Lol = Laugh out loud.
Rofl = Rolling on floor laughing.
Brb = Be right Back.
Brt = be right there.
Theres lots more... I cant sleep. But if i keep writing this is going to turn in to a story. Than it will be called Storytimewithanna.storytime.com
Lololol... Maybe I should tell a story.... Hmmmm... -thinks- ................ -many long thinking minutes later-..... OH!! I got one!!!
Once upon, a time there is a girl named Anna she lives and writes a Blog with AMAZING followers/readers.
The End.
Isnt it a beautiful story? Of course it is. That shows how much I love my fans..you know over 309 people in the united states read this.. AMAZING!! God bless you all. Well I better get going to sleep.. Anna will be back tomorrow.. Night!!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Hey guys. Today is Friday in California and it is night time. My name is Annaboo and welcome to this very classy blog??? Okay I'm done with this classy crud to boring now time for a exciting opening......
HEY GUYS!! WHATS UP??!?!? How are all of you people doing? I am wonderful it is great to write you guys.. Enjoy it very much. Shout out to Chinese people please share this with your other friends.. hahaha well im tired nighty
HEY GUYS!! WHATS UP??!?!? How are all of you people doing? I am wonderful it is great to write you guys.. Enjoy it very much. Shout out to Chinese people please share this with your other friends.. hahaha well im tired nighty
Monday, May 28, 2012
Not my blog?? Nicknames?? ANNAS BLOG!!
Once again back at this website called Blogger. No idea what I am doing here.... What?!?! This is a Blog with Annaboo called Random Moments And Homeschooling??? Okay than we will see what she has in store for you guy's. Moving on um that was to funny hahahaha... So a few days ago I saw 1 person in China is now reading.. FREAKING AMAZING CHINA!!!!! :) Lol my summer so far is the best ever. Having fun doing whatever it is I do. Right now I am jamming out to Usher on Youtube. What song? It is called Scream Featuring Jay-Z. LOL I get a kick out of the name Jay-Z.. I mean really Jay-Z that is a FAIL NAME!!!
How many of you have nicknames? I have a few like AnnaBoo, Dorkwad, LoveBug, AnnaBanana, and others that I can't remember but know they are out there..... There's something about Nicknames I like.. I wonder who came up with that... Hmmm... -thinks- Oh well guess the world will never know.. Kinda like how many licks it takes to get too the center of a Tootsie Pop!! :O
And my awesome sister is jamming out with me!! :D YOU GO SISTER!!! Not going to say her name cause she is that TOP SECRET!!! SO HA!!!! Fail........ O_O See how much of a VIP FAIL i am.. Idk... lolololol... Vip stands for Very Important Person so yeah.. This has been a blog with just random things that are happening right now hahaha. Kinda cool huh? JAY Z IS a ..........idk
My Top Secret sister says im going to go deaf because I always have my music super loud.
Now I am listening to Ludacris. Which is not normal cause I'm not a fan of him he's kind of a Creep? LOL! :P
How many of you have nicknames? I have a few like AnnaBoo, Dorkwad, LoveBug, AnnaBanana, and others that I can't remember but know they are out there..... There's something about Nicknames I like.. I wonder who came up with that... Hmmm... -thinks- Oh well guess the world will never know.. Kinda like how many licks it takes to get too the center of a Tootsie Pop!! :O
And my awesome sister is jamming out with me!! :D YOU GO SISTER!!! Not going to say her name cause she is that TOP SECRET!!! SO HA!!!! Fail........ O_O See how much of a VIP FAIL i am.. Idk... lolololol... Vip stands for Very Important Person so yeah.. This has been a blog with just random things that are happening right now hahaha. Kinda cool huh? JAY Z IS a ..........idk
My Top Secret sister says im going to go deaf because I always have my music super loud.
Now I am listening to Ludacris. Which is not normal cause I'm not a fan of him he's kind of a Creep? LOL! :P
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Hey All. How are all of you? I am good. :) Wow over 200 of you crazy Americans read my blog. Thank you!! It's insane I don't even know how you guy's find me. LOL! Summer is almost here getting hot!! Means time to break out the swimsuits. Tehe! Sorry I love swimming hoping to do Swimteam again if they have it. If any of the you have the option to do it, please do not refuse. So much fun a lot of work and time but pay's off. Because in the end it makes you a better Swimmer. I am a better diver than I ever was before I decided to join it. Moving on...
Ever since it is night where I live.. It is 10pm I will again tell you guy's what i'm up to this late. (No idea if that is late???) Currently on my Laptop of course and listening to Air1. Only the BEST Christian Radio station around. If you have an iPhone, Android, whatever get their app thing... I have a iPod so I use that too fulfill my Extreme Music Obsession. xD Omg I am so happy tomorrow is tomorrow!!! (MADE NO SENSE) O_O Tomorrow is...........is...... OH!! Tomorrow is Friday. DUH! I blanked out again.... Why am I excited? Well because I am finally getting a new Cell Phone. The one I currently have need's to Retire. (It's getting old) -Winks- HAHAHAHA!! So i'm sure you guys are dying to know what it looks like....Well here it is...
Ever since it is night where I live.. It is 10pm I will again tell you guy's what i'm up to this late. (No idea if that is late???) Currently on my Laptop of course and listening to Air1. Only the BEST Christian Radio station around. If you have an iPhone, Android, whatever get their app thing... I have a iPod so I use that too fulfill my Extreme Music Obsession. xD Omg I am so happy tomorrow is tomorrow!!! (MADE NO SENSE) O_O Tomorrow is...........is...... OH!! Tomorrow is Friday. DUH! I blanked out again.... Why am I excited? Well because I am finally getting a new Cell Phone. The one I currently have need's to Retire. (It's getting old) -Winks- HAHAHAHA!! So i'm sure you guys are dying to know what it looks like....Well here it is...
It is a touch screen.. Hehhehhe. Love it! YOU ALL HAVE TO!! How can you not?!
Hmm.. Well I am oh so tired and want to sleep so talk to you guys tomorrow. HAHAHAHA zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........NIGHT Germans,Americans,Canadians,Africans.. All you guys..
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Hey all what is going on? Anything new? Well I have news I am finally out of school!! YAY!! Because I have completed all my books. :)
So yeah now I'm enjoying my summer break. YEEP! What am I doing for summer?? Good question... HMMMM... Well lot's of stuff, duh! :P
Go swimming, Friend's, Visit Relatives, Sleepovers, and of course write you guy's. Lately have been really putting effort into making my self better at Basketball. And it's paying off, really getting better and mastering lots of new skills I have taught my self. How many of you watch TV?? 1,2,3 of you??? Well I have been addicted to the show on ABC Family called Make It Or Break It. WONDERFUL lot's of you watch it i'm not the only one!!!! :-) Good show... Hm any of you do or did Gymnastics? I did for awhile enjoyed it but, interrupted with my Karate and I got to busy with all of it I had to quit. D: Kinda miss it.... Oh well moving on with life.. Yes, I did Karate too! Did it for about 3 years. Learned lot's of self defence and got to Orange-Purple belt. Kept me busy alway's going to Meet's and Performing at Fairs. Lol I remember my sister actually went to a Tournament!! Very cool. Got to me some perfessional People who did it. HAHAHHAHAHAHA..... Well anna is tired and needs to role.. BYEEEE!! PEACE!!!
So yeah now I'm enjoying my summer break. YEEP! What am I doing for summer?? Good question... HMMMM... Well lot's of stuff, duh! :P
Go swimming, Friend's, Visit Relatives, Sleepovers, and of course write you guy's. Lately have been really putting effort into making my self better at Basketball. And it's paying off, really getting better and mastering lots of new skills I have taught my self. How many of you watch TV?? 1,2,3 of you??? Well I have been addicted to the show on ABC Family called Make It Or Break It. WONDERFUL lot's of you watch it i'm not the only one!!!! :-) Good show... Hm any of you do or did Gymnastics? I did for awhile enjoyed it but, interrupted with my Karate and I got to busy with all of it I had to quit. D: Kinda miss it.... Oh well moving on with life.. Yes, I did Karate too! Did it for about 3 years. Learned lot's of self defence and got to Orange-Purple belt. Kept me busy alway's going to Meet's and Performing at Fairs. Lol I remember my sister actually went to a Tournament!! Very cool. Got to me some perfessional People who did it. HAHAHHAHAHAHA..... Well anna is tired and needs to role.. BYEEEE!! PEACE!!!
Friday, May 18, 2012
What is up my people?? I am back and blogging on my iPod. Cause its 11:42pm and not allowed on my laptop this late. Ha! ;) So I guess this is a NIGHT BLOG THAN!!
Shoutout to all you Malaysia people you guys are amazing looked at my stats 19 of you!! Thank you. :)
Today was amazing went to a Serpatarium. (Not sure how to spell that) Very cool, held a 7ft 100pound Boa!! Man the power in those things are amazing!!
Ever since it is night i will tell you what I am up to. Well right now im of course writing you guys and listening to Music. Any of you like snakes that suffocate the life out of ur arm?? HHahahahaha!! :) i am going post a few cool pictures.. Well talk soon. Night.
Shoutout to all you Malaysia people you guys are amazing looked at my stats 19 of you!! Thank you. :)
Today was amazing went to a Serpatarium. (Not sure how to spell that) Very cool, held a 7ft 100pound Boa!! Man the power in those things are amazing!!
Ever since it is night i will tell you what I am up to. Well right now im of course writing you guys and listening to Music. Any of you like snakes that suffocate the life out of ur arm?? HHahahahaha!! :) i am going post a few cool pictures.. Well talk soon. Night.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
What is new my homies? Lol homies I like that. :-) So how is it going? I am well it is morning here where I live nice and sunny listening to the birds. Finished my school work and cleaned my room. :-) Now I am writing a beautiful blog to my Lovely Readers!! HA!
Not sure why, I just called you all lovely but oh well????
Ever since i'm writing in the morning mine as well tell you what I do at 8am in the morning.... Let's see I get up clean room (if needed) go get something to eat, do school, get dress, do some chores.. And that's pretty much it!! Lol.
I also enjoy opening my window and hearing all the birds making noise! LAWL that's why I don't need an alarm because they are SUPER LOUD so that get's me up and running... :-P
Hope you guy's are excited as I am that the weekend is one day away. Can finally relax and sleep!! :D Yes, sleeping is very important! Or to me it is... I don't know about you guy's but, for me I take it as a deep thing... ;-) <<< That's a adorable face!!!!!
Goodness it has been hott hott hott outside lately!!! Go out there for 7 minutes and you're already sweaty!! Ew... Yesterday, my family and I celebrated my sister's 18th birthday. WOOOT!! You go sister!! So all of you get her something!!!! JOking.. Lawl..
I planned something special for her. I talked to my Youth-Pastor and asked him if the Youth-Group could surprise her. Hehe they all did we had some cake and stuff. :-D Very fun!!
So the other night I started Night Blogging. How many of you liked that?? 1,2,3,4 people???
Well it was hard for me because i'm not allowed to use my laptop in bed so I have to use my iPod tuch and its hard for me to type on it..
Well Anna Boo has to role on out of here. I am going to play my Ps3 for a bit! :-) Yay!
PEACE!!! :-)
Not sure why, I just called you all lovely but oh well????
Ever since i'm writing in the morning mine as well tell you what I do at 8am in the morning.... Let's see I get up clean room (if needed) go get something to eat, do school, get dress, do some chores.. And that's pretty much it!! Lol.
I also enjoy opening my window and hearing all the birds making noise! LAWL that's why I don't need an alarm because they are SUPER LOUD so that get's me up and running... :-P
Hope you guy's are excited as I am that the weekend is one day away. Can finally relax and sleep!! :D Yes, sleeping is very important! Or to me it is... I don't know about you guy's but, for me I take it as a deep thing... ;-) <<< That's a adorable face!!!!!
Goodness it has been hott hott hott outside lately!!! Go out there for 7 minutes and you're already sweaty!! Ew... Yesterday, my family and I celebrated my sister's 18th birthday. WOOOT!! You go sister!! So all of you get her something!!!! JOking.. Lawl..
I planned something special for her. I talked to my Youth-Pastor and asked him if the Youth-Group could surprise her. Hehe they all did we had some cake and stuff. :-D Very fun!!
So the other night I started Night Blogging. How many of you liked that?? 1,2,3,4 people???
Well it was hard for me because i'm not allowed to use my laptop in bed so I have to use my iPod tuch and its hard for me to type on it..
Well Anna Boo has to role on out of here. I am going to play my Ps3 for a bit! :-) Yay!
PEACE!!! :-)
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Hey everyone! Hm it is 11:25pm at night!!! That means I am starting a new thing called Night Blogging with Anna! Yay.. :-D This will be intresting. Because I am writing on my iPod using a Blogger app. Lawl!!!
So ever since i'm in bed ill tell you some cool things.. Like I sleep with 3 pillows and also my stuff sox monkey my mama gave me!! Hehhe. :-)
How many of you sleep with a night light still? I dont so if you do your babys!!! Jk!! You all know i love you..... You guys are such a huge blessing to follow me. I really never thought id be that populuar but thats not what its about for me. I enjoy being funny and sharing with you guys!! :-D
A lot of you come from all over the globe. Its amazing!! Neat for me to think that im sharing my life with people half way around the world. :-)
Okay so this dosent sound like me but i was getting all emotional in real life and trust me i do not do that a lot!
Moving on....school is great loving every bit of it!! Except for algebra. But gotta learn.
Well anna needs to go to sleep i got to go mr doctor tomorrow. Lol byeee all!!!! Love u all!!! <3
So ever since i'm in bed ill tell you some cool things.. Like I sleep with 3 pillows and also my stuff sox monkey my mama gave me!! Hehhe. :-)
How many of you sleep with a night light still? I dont so if you do your babys!!! Jk!! You all know i love you..... You guys are such a huge blessing to follow me. I really never thought id be that populuar but thats not what its about for me. I enjoy being funny and sharing with you guys!! :-D
A lot of you come from all over the globe. Its amazing!! Neat for me to think that im sharing my life with people half way around the world. :-)
Okay so this dosent sound like me but i was getting all emotional in real life and trust me i do not do that a lot!
Moving on....school is great loving every bit of it!! Except for algebra. But gotta learn.
Well anna needs to go to sleep i got to go mr doctor tomorrow. Lol byeee all!!!! Love u all!!! <3
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Random blog..
Hello and welcome to Anna's Blog. Press 1 for a Lecture, Press 2 for some water, Or press 3 for this Blog to start. Congrats!! You pressed 3 this Blog is now starting..
Welcome to my Blog!!! Sorry about my opening up there ^^^ Kinda weird huh?
It was one of those random moments of mine. Wouldn't you say?! :D
So what have you all been doing??? I would like to know.. You guy's want to know what i've been up too???? Psh!! You really need to ask.... I mean I only right to you guy's about my life!!!! DUH!!!! Lawl..
Hmm... School is great, really making progress! :-) It's a breakthrough!! You know why? Because I have actually been enjoying reading. :O WHAAAT?!?!!? Anna likes reading?!?!?!? I know it's a miracle but it is true!! The day has come... HA!! Right now I am reading HG Well's book "The Invisible Man." Omg!!! Amazing book.. Very, intense and gives you good details! Really makes you feel you're there in the book. That is what I like to see in books..
Still very random and......Goofy??? No idea you tell me, please. Really, want to thank all of you guy's for continuing to read my Blog's means a lot. Crazy the places you guys read from.. I mean Germany, Africa, Russia!!! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!! Wow I am really like touched that you guy's still read these.... :-D
How many of you have heard of Usher the music artist? He is amazing!!! Here's a link.
Check it out!!!
Pretty good song. I liked it!! If you don't well you suck.......Er JOKING>....Psh...
Hmmm... well i gotta role.. luv u all!! chow for now.
Welcome to my Blog!!! Sorry about my opening up there ^^^ Kinda weird huh?
It was one of those random moments of mine. Wouldn't you say?! :D
So what have you all been doing??? I would like to know.. You guy's want to know what i've been up too???? Psh!! You really need to ask.... I mean I only right to you guy's about my life!!!! DUH!!!! Lawl..
Hmm... School is great, really making progress! :-) It's a breakthrough!! You know why? Because I have actually been enjoying reading. :O WHAAAT?!?!!? Anna likes reading?!?!?!? I know it's a miracle but it is true!! The day has come... HA!! Right now I am reading HG Well's book "The Invisible Man." Omg!!! Amazing book.. Very, intense and gives you good details! Really makes you feel you're there in the book. That is what I like to see in books..
Still very random and......Goofy??? No idea you tell me, please. Really, want to thank all of you guy's for continuing to read my Blog's means a lot. Crazy the places you guys read from.. I mean Germany, Africa, Russia!!! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!! Wow I am really like touched that you guy's still read these.... :-D
How many of you have heard of Usher the music artist? He is amazing!!! Here's a link.
Pretty good song. I liked it!! If you don't well you suck.......Er JOKING>....Psh...
Hmmm... well i gotta role.. luv u all!! chow for now.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Anna is back = Blog time.
GUESS WHAT?! Anna boo is back!! :D Omg wow life keeps me so busy I forget about all you loyal readers. :D Thank you so much. HM, where to start?
School is awesome!! Loving it!! I have finished so many of my books.. Crazy I only have Algebra,Spanish,and Bible Study. Also Classic Reading. Just recently finished Snow Goose. Good story!! The next book I am planning on reading is The Invisible Man. :D
Yes I am still very random indeed.. Yes? YES!!! See? I warned you. :O No I didn't.... Oops?? Still very active with my Youth Group. Which is awesome.
Also, very much so still into Basketball still play when ever I can outside!!
OMG!! I almost forgot....STILL OBSESSED WITH MUSIC!! Er.....Random....
Music is my second world. Listen to it day and night... It's crazy!!! :D
So the other day, I was in School and um I was working on a book report while like fooling around with my pencil...Than in a split second the pencil come FLYING and BAM hits me in my eyeball!!!!!! DDDDD:
Ha it was actually funny......(Not really) How many of you run into doors???? Well don't judge because I am always running into doors,moving doors,automatic doors, and Walls??? Yes walls!!! Gee.......Just yesterday, my bedroom door was shut so I'm just walking up to it planning on just walking in no problem right??? WRONG!!! WRONG!!! It was very tragic...-crys- -sniffles- Before you knew it I was on the floor.... :O Than my sister is standing there while looking at me with the face of.... Wow that was pretty sad Anna....
Time for something awesome. Ready? Prepare your self. :-{D <<<< Look at it!!! The face has a FREAKING Mustache!!! Lately I've been freaking out over that face.....You know because that's how roll bro!! So tip if you want to get on my nerves use the word Evolve. Yes that word makes me mad? No idea why I TOLD you that.. O_O I'm crazy....
Well im going to roll on out of here.. Catch ya on the flip side!!
(Last time im ending my blog with that) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
School is awesome!! Loving it!! I have finished so many of my books.. Crazy I only have Algebra,Spanish,and Bible Study. Also Classic Reading. Just recently finished Snow Goose. Good story!! The next book I am planning on reading is The Invisible Man. :D
Yes I am still very random indeed.. Yes? YES!!! See? I warned you. :O No I didn't.... Oops?? Still very active with my Youth Group. Which is awesome.
Also, very much so still into Basketball still play when ever I can outside!!
OMG!! I almost forgot....STILL OBSESSED WITH MUSIC!! Er.....Random....
Music is my second world. Listen to it day and night... It's crazy!!! :D
So the other day, I was in School and um I was working on a book report while like fooling around with my pencil...Than in a split second the pencil come FLYING and BAM hits me in my eyeball!!!!!! DDDDD:
Ha it was actually funny......(Not really) How many of you run into doors???? Well don't judge because I am always running into doors,moving doors,automatic doors, and Walls??? Yes walls!!! Gee.......Just yesterday, my bedroom door was shut so I'm just walking up to it planning on just walking in no problem right??? WRONG!!! WRONG!!! It was very tragic...-crys- -sniffles- Before you knew it I was on the floor.... :O Than my sister is standing there while looking at me with the face of.... Wow that was pretty sad Anna....
Time for something awesome. Ready? Prepare your self. :-{D <<<< Look at it!!! The face has a FREAKING Mustache!!! Lately I've been freaking out over that face.....You know because that's how roll bro!! So tip if you want to get on my nerves use the word Evolve. Yes that word makes me mad? No idea why I TOLD you that.. O_O I'm crazy....
Well im going to roll on out of here.. Catch ya on the flip side!!
(Last time im ending my blog with that) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Hola Everyone!! Omg I am sooo sorry I have not written been super busy.. A busy bee.. Hope you guy's are following me on my other blog crazyforducktape.blogspot.com
So follow me!!! Okay so school is great.. Finished so many of my books I am able to do a lot more and accomplish more as well.. Thank you to everyone who has followed me from day 1. You are all awesome.. :)
Still go to Youth Group we have been working on a Easter skit. We did practice yesterday.. Lol! Here is a video link to what we will be doing..
There it is >>>>
Hit the play button... Come on!! Don't be shy! Hehehe.. Excellent video.
well i got stuff to do talk to you all next week!! BYE!
So follow me!!! Okay so school is great.. Finished so many of my books I am able to do a lot more and accomplish more as well.. Thank you to everyone who has followed me from day 1. You are all awesome.. :)
Still go to Youth Group we have been working on a Easter skit. We did practice yesterday.. Lol! Here is a video link to what we will be doing..
Hit the play button... Come on!! Don't be shy! Hehehe.. Excellent video.
well i got stuff to do talk to you all next week!! BYE!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Hey all whats up??? Great news for you I have started a new blog!!
So you can follow me on both.. crazyforducktape.blogspot.com
School is good finished soooo many of my books Geography,Spelling,Literature,Health..
SOOO EXCITING!! Please make sure to keep up with my sister.
Tehe. See you guys on blogger.
So you can follow me on both.. crazyforducktape.blogspot.com
School is good finished soooo many of my books Geography,Spelling,Literature,Health..
SOOO EXCITING!! Please make sure to keep up with my sister.
Tehe. See you guys on blogger.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Hey everyone!! IM BACK!!! Sorry I have not posted a blog in awhile been super busy with School and life.. How is everyone doing??? Give me the details.. Joking.. School is great I have finished a lot of my books so now I can do more of the books I am behind in.. So if any of you read my sister's new blog post than you know that her and the rat dog are graduating!!! YAYAAYAAYA!!!!! Lol happy for her??? Yes you are because I said so....
So I need your guy's help on something. Should I change my theme on my Blog?? Or leave it.. Up to you guy's.
Okay I am SOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED it is friday! :D Get to sleep in and stay up late. Yay! What are you guy's doing this weekend?
I have a major music update for y'all!!!!
Listen and check out these songes. :D
1. Red - Not Alone.
2. Esterlyn - Now you're found.
3. Now this one is not my idea my sister insisted I put it.
Micheal Jackson - Thriller.
4. Lecrae - Boasting.
5. Jennete Mccurdy - Homeless Heart.
That is all because I could go on for ever!! And that would be a book...
Lately I have been crazy about Gum!!!!! I have no idea why but I am.
How many of you run into doors???? Well I do all the time... (so don't feel lonely) I'll be walking to the door try to open it and instead I run into it.... O_O Fail on my part... Time for random pictures...
Ok after your done looking at these make sure to comment... And put that bacon away its making me hungry!!!! Ahahahahahaha... Hope to talk with you guys soon. CYA! XD
Thursday, January 5, 2012
New Year! New Adventures!
Hey what is happening people?!
Missing you guy's.. Glad to be writing another Blog to all my reader's..
So how is all your guy's New Year?? Give me the details. :)
My New Year is going good!! Happy to start a new one, excited to see what God has in store.. Are you guy's??
School is good! Today 1-5-12 I completed my Geography book!!! Yay! :)
I'm actually a little sad that I completed it because Geography was my Favorite subject and best at it.. So yeah but, I got other book's to complete..
On New Year's eve my Family and I played Board Games.. Very fun, I would have to say I enjoyed Cranium the most..

That's the game! There are a few categories to choose from... Creative Cat, Word Worm, Star Performer, and Data Head.. If your on my team don't let me roll the dice.. Why?? Well because I always roll Blue, which is Creative Cat!!!
Grr it's like it LOVES Me... Well guess what?!?!!? I HATE IT!!!!! :P
Only reason why I don't like it is because I get the card where I have to draw with my eyes closed...... (Torture)
I got the -Draw a Afro with eyes closed- Now this is what mine looked like........
BAM!!!!!! Except no smiley face but that is what it looked like...
Anyways besides talking about Sad looking Afros in drawing form...
I have news!!!!! Tonight for dinner we are have SHEPARD'S PIE!!!!!! Yummy..
Shepard's pie is Mash Potato's, Gravy, Meat, and Corn... All mixed together is a beautiful piece of art.. :)
Sounds good huh? YES IT DOES!! Say it... No? Fine your hurting my FEELINGS and all lovers of Shepard Pie.. Joking.......(But really say it) ;)
And.....AND... We are having Cheese Cake for desert!!! YUMM...
Also we had PRIME RIB on New Year's... AWESOME.....
For all you who do read my Blog make sure to check out my sisters!!
You can read it and also follow her on Blogger or YouTube. Either one I follow both... Ok well that is all for today! See you later!!
Missing you guy's.. Glad to be writing another Blog to all my reader's..
So how is all your guy's New Year?? Give me the details. :)
My New Year is going good!! Happy to start a new one, excited to see what God has in store.. Are you guy's??
School is good! Today 1-5-12 I completed my Geography book!!! Yay! :)
I'm actually a little sad that I completed it because Geography was my Favorite subject and best at it.. So yeah but, I got other book's to complete..
On New Year's eve my Family and I played Board Games.. Very fun, I would have to say I enjoyed Cranium the most..
That's the game! There are a few categories to choose from... Creative Cat, Word Worm, Star Performer, and Data Head.. If your on my team don't let me roll the dice.. Why?? Well because I always roll Blue, which is Creative Cat!!!
Grr it's like it LOVES Me... Well guess what?!?!!? I HATE IT!!!!! :P
Only reason why I don't like it is because I get the card where I have to draw with my eyes closed...... (Torture)
I got the -Draw a Afro with eyes closed- Now this is what mine looked like........
BAM!!!!!! Except no smiley face but that is what it looked like...
Anyways besides talking about Sad looking Afros in drawing form...
I have news!!!!! Tonight for dinner we are have SHEPARD'S PIE!!!!!! Yummy..
Shepard's pie is Mash Potato's, Gravy, Meat, and Corn... All mixed together is a beautiful piece of art.. :)
Sounds good huh? YES IT DOES!! Say it... No? Fine your hurting my FEELINGS and all lovers of Shepard Pie.. Joking.......(But really say it) ;)
And.....AND... We are having Cheese Cake for desert!!! YUMM...
Also we had PRIME RIB on New Year's... AWESOME.....
For all you who do read my Blog make sure to check out my sisters!!
You can read it and also follow her on Blogger or YouTube. Either one I follow both... Ok well that is all for today! See you later!!
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