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Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hey Guy's! What's up with my people? Not much huh.. Well i'm here so it just 99.9% better. :) Lol!! So this can be considerd a night Blog ever since it is almost 11pm here. Every time I want to write to you all, something comes up so i'm not able to. Sorry! Working on that so I can have time to write..
God has been blessing with many chances to Bless other people. Today, wrote a letter a young girl about my age and what happend was she live in the Philapians and she tried to commit Suicide. So I wrote her a nice letter to encourage her to come know Jesus! :)

Listening to Music like I alway's do.. Hehe it's my second world helps me cool down and just is also my way of worshiping God!! Happy got a new bed in my room it's a Queen Size so it's pretty big! Did all that on Saturday. So my room is diffrent.. But, I love my room to death!!! Espically, having my Tv and Ps3 in it so I like to play games and watch movies. :) Favorite Game? Hmm, Heavenly Sword than Rachet And Clank. I've already beaten Rachet And Clank but, now playing on Compition mode which is just starting over except everything is harder!!
Well heading to bed night!! Love you all!!!

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