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Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Hey y'all. Welcome back to my Blog. Last week I wrote to you guy's  so now I am again. 
Lol been mega busy this week running around like a mad person. This weekend went to a Youth group camp type thing. Really neat and felt God's presence in every thing I did.
How's summer so far for you guy's?? Hope it's blessed!! :)  Today is Sunday which mean's I went to Church. Yay!! We heard our Pastor speak on Faith.. Amazing!! :) 
I also saw today on my stats that people in United Kingdom started reading my Blog.. :D That is  like beyond Awesome! All of you guys are a huge Blessing  to me!!  At the Youth group event we had lots of games and Worship Service.. I played a fun game of Volleyball with some guys and my youth pastor.. Lol our team won!! Woot! :)  For not playing Volleyball I actually did really good... Hehe I'm more of a basketball person... Made so many new friends there and hope to return in the future..

Moving on.... Music!!! The best thing invented in the whole wide world. Okay music is my way of like worshiping God. :)   I'm a pretty big fanatic of Christian Music so, I try to stay away from the other junk.. No offence to the rest of you....  Right now my favorite song is Losing by Tenth Avenue North.. Look it up! Best song and so powerful... Ugh I got a bit sunburn on my face from yesterday!! Gr.. D:  Lol how many of you get sunburn?? I don't really get it.. Maybe a little but, it turns to a tan so I really don't mind it...  Hmm... Oh!!  Exciting news I have successfully not run into any type of door.. YES!!! Makes me happy.. :D  If you know me personally than you know I have a thing for running into things...  

Well gotta run need to clean my room... Oop's? It's a mess again!!! GRRRRR... Peace!!
Love you guys with my heart!! :D

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