About Me

Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hey guy's!! What is up people of earth and beyond???  How is everyone? :)
Glad I have time to write today.. It's yucky weather here in California all rainy and windy... :( I do NOT like it at all!!! This type of weather makes me tired in the day.. Did school today and than cleaned my room and chilled around the house.. 
Lately I have been into Anime, yes it's a cartoon but some are really good and cute! Like the one I am currently watching. It is called Shurgo Chara... No making fun of me allowed!!!!!! :P
Do you guy's like tacos???? :D YOU BETTER LIKE THEM....we had them last night for dinner it was amazing.... Of course I am a huge lover of taco's well basically any mexican food I absolutely love!!! L-O-V-E!!!! hahahhahha... And i'm pretty sure you guy's love me...? right....?? D: Good you do now I am extra happy than before!!! :D

Well I realize this was not very long but going to jet on out~~

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