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Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Monday, May 28, 2012

Not my blog?? Nicknames?? ANNAS BLOG!!

Once again back at this website called Blogger. No idea what I am doing here.... What?!?! This is a Blog with Annaboo called Random Moments And Homeschooling??? Okay than we will see what she has in store for you guy's.  Moving on um that was to funny hahahaha... So a few days ago I saw 1 person in China is now reading.. FREAKING AMAZING CHINA!!!!!  :)  Lol my summer so far is the best ever. Having fun doing whatever it is I do. Right now I am jamming out to Usher on Youtube. What song? It is called Scream Featuring Jay-Z.  LOL I get a kick out of the name Jay-Z.. I mean really Jay-Z that is a FAIL NAME!!!  
How many of you have nicknames? I have a few like AnnaBoo, Dorkwad, LoveBug, AnnaBanana,    and others that I can't remember but know they are out there..... There's something about Nicknames I like.. I wonder who came up with that... Hmmm... -thinks- Oh well guess the world will never know.. Kinda like how many licks it takes to get too the center of a Tootsie Pop!! :O 

And my awesome sister is jamming out with me!! :D YOU GO SISTER!!! Not going to say her name cause she is that TOP SECRET!!! SO HA!!!! Fail........ O_O  See how much of a VIP FAIL i am.. Idk... lolololol... Vip stands for Very Important Person so yeah.. This has been a blog with just random things that are happening right now hahaha. Kinda cool huh?   JAY Z IS a ..........idk
My Top Secret sister says im going to go deaf because I always have my music super loud.
Now I am listening to Ludacris. Which is not normal cause I'm not a fan of him he's kind of a Creep? LOL! :P   

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