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Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Random blog..

Hello and welcome to Anna's Blog. Press 1 for a Lecture, Press 2 for some water, Or press 3 for this Blog to start. Congrats!! You pressed 3 this Blog is now starting..
Welcome to my Blog!!! Sorry about my opening up there ^^^ Kinda weird huh?
It was one of those random moments of mine. Wouldn't you say?! :D
So what have you all been doing??? I would like to know.. You guy's want to know what i've been up too???? Psh!! You really need to ask.... I mean I only right to you guy's about my life!!!! DUH!!!! Lawl..

Hmm... School is great, really making progress! :-)  It's a breakthrough!! You know why? Because I have actually been enjoying reading. :O WHAAAT?!?!!? Anna likes reading?!?!?!? I know it's a miracle but it is true!! The day has come... HA!! Right now I am reading HG Well's book "The Invisible Man." Omg!!! Amazing book.. Very, intense and gives you good details! Really makes you feel you're there in the book. That is what I like to see in books..

Still very random and......Goofy??? No idea you tell me, please.  Really, want to thank all of you guy's for continuing to read my Blog's means a lot. Crazy the places you guys read from.. I mean Germany, Africa, Russia!!! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!! Wow I am really like touched that you guy's still read these.... :-D
How many of you have heard of Usher the music artist? He is amazing!!! Here's a link.
Check it out!!!

Pretty good song. I liked it!! If you don't well you suck.......Er JOKING>....Psh...
Hmmm... well i gotta role.. luv u all!! chow for now.

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