About Me

Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hey Guy's!! What is up?? I have so missed you all have not been able to write life is keeping me busy and away from my laptop. :(
Ever since it is friday I have more time to write a longer Blog.. LOL! School is amazing really doing great and grasping thing's!! :) So happy!! 
Have you guy's been good while I was gone?????? Din't miss me to much?? :) LOL hehe..
How is the start Fall been for you??? Hope it wonderful!! I always enjoy the changing of leafs and the tree's!!
Here in California it is raining... D: And it's soooo cold i'm like wearing 6 shirts!!! Jk!!
That is would get hot after awhile wearing that much clothing I would be sweating bullets...... O_O HAHAHAAHAHAHA...
Recently, a good friend of  mine has gotten me into Anime!! In case, you do not know what that is... It is Japanese cartoon's.. YES!! I still watch cartoons.. xD 
Favorite subject for school? Probably Biology or Spelling? :) Fo shure!!!!
Glad to see most of you still read my blog have close to 500 still!!! CRAZZZYYY!!!
Well gotta go bye!!!

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