GUESS WHAT?! Anna boo is back!! :D Omg wow life keeps me so busy I forget about all you loyal readers. :D Thank you so much. HM, where to start?
School is awesome!! Loving it!! I have finished so many of my books.. Crazy I only have Algebra,Spanish,and Bible Study. Also Classic Reading. Just recently finished Snow Goose. Good story!! The next book I am planning on reading is The Invisible Man. :D
Yes I am still very random indeed.. Yes? YES!!! See? I warned you. :O No I didn't.... Oops?? Still very active with my Youth Group. Which is awesome.
Also, very much so still into Basketball still play when ever I can outside!!
OMG!! I almost forgot....STILL OBSESSED WITH MUSIC!! Er.....Random....
Music is my second world. Listen to it day and night... It's crazy!!! :D
So the other day, I was in School and um I was working on a book report while like fooling around with my pencil...Than in a split second the pencil come FLYING and BAM hits me in my eyeball!!!!!! DDDDD:
Ha it was actually funny......(Not really) How many of you run into doors???? Well don't judge because I am always running into doors,moving doors,automatic doors, and Walls??? Yes walls!!! Gee.......Just yesterday, my bedroom door was shut so I'm just walking up to it planning on just walking in no problem right??? WRONG!!! WRONG!!! It was very tragic...-crys- -sniffles- Before you knew it I was on the floor.... :O Than my sister is standing there while looking at me with the face of.... Wow that was pretty sad Anna....
Time for something awesome. Ready? Prepare your self. :-{D <<<< Look at it!!! The face has a FREAKING Mustache!!! Lately I've been freaking out over that face.....You know because that's how roll bro!! So tip if you want to get on my nerves use the word Evolve. Yes that word makes me mad? No idea why I TOLD you that.. O_O I'm crazy....
Well im going to roll on out of here.. Catch ya on the flip side!!
(Last time im ending my blog with that) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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