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Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Hey all what is going on?  Anything new? Well I have news I am finally out of school!! YAY!! Because I have completed all my books. :)
So yeah now I'm enjoying my summer break. YEEP!  What am I doing for summer?? Good question... HMMMM... Well lot's of stuff, duh! :P
Go swimming, Friend's, Visit Relatives, Sleepovers, and of course write you guy's.  Lately have been really putting effort into making my self better at Basketball. And it's paying off, really getting better and mastering lots of new skills I have taught my self.  How many of you watch TV?? 1,2,3 of you??? Well I have been addicted to the show on ABC Family called Make It Or Break It. WONDERFUL lot's of you watch it i'm not the only one!!!!  :-)  Good show... Hm any of you do or did Gymnastics? I did for awhile enjoyed it but, interrupted with my Karate and I got to busy with all of it I had to quit. D: Kinda miss it.... Oh well moving on with life.. Yes, I did Karate too! Did it for about 3 years. Learned lot's of self defence and got to Orange-Purple belt. Kept me busy alway's going to Meet's and Performing at Fairs. Lol I remember my sister actually went to a Tournament!! Very cool. Got to me some perfessional People who did it. HAHAHHAHAHAHA..... Well anna is tired and needs to role.. BYEEEE!! PEACE!!!

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