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Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Hey All. How are all of you? I am good. :)  Wow over 200 of you crazy Americans read my blog. Thank you!!  It's insane I don't even know how you guy's find me. LOL!  Summer is almost here getting hot!! Means time to break out the swimsuits. Tehe!  Sorry I love swimming hoping to do Swimteam again if they have it. If any of the you have the option to do it, please do not refuse. So much fun a lot of work and time but pay's off. Because in the end it makes you a better Swimmer. I am a better diver than I ever was before I decided to join it. Moving on...

Ever since it is night where I live.. It is 10pm I will again tell you guy's what i'm up to this late. (No idea if that is late???) Currently on my Laptop of course and listening to Air1. Only the BEST Christian Radio station around. If you have an iPhone, Android, whatever get their app thing... I have a iPod so I use that too fulfill my Extreme Music Obsession. xD  Omg I am so happy tomorrow is tomorrow!!! (MADE NO SENSE) O_O  Tomorrow is...........is...... OH!! Tomorrow is Friday. DUH! I blanked out again.... Why am I excited? Well because I am finally getting a new Cell Phone. The one I currently have need's to Retire. (It's getting old) -Winks- HAHAHAHA!!  So i'm sure you guys are dying to know what it looks like....Well here it is... 

There it is my baby..

It is a touch screen.. Hehhehhe. Love it! YOU ALL HAVE TO!! How can you not?!
Hmm.. Well I am oh so tired and want to sleep so talk to you guys tomorrow. HAHAHAHA zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...........NIGHT Germans,Americans,Canadians,Africans.. All you guys..

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