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Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Hey all. What's going on?  Not much just writing you guys!! Thank you to Steve Finnel for following me!!! :) God Bless ya bro!!! 
Today is a nice day here....Hope you guy's enjoyed my Testimony last night.. Thanks for letting me share. Anyways... Getting ready for the new school year.. YEEP!! Sis is starting College, so that will be different because i'll be doing school alone at home... ): 
Oh well maybe i'll learn to focus better, yes I have a hard time focusing I have a hard time sitting still.... So maybe this change will benefit me....
Looking, at the stats I see that 2 people from ALGERIA are reading!! No idea you guys had computers over there.... :O   LOL!!!  
Listening to music!!! :D LOl this is the most random blog on earth....I am listening to Switchfoot.. Anyway I am cutting this blog short... Sorry!! BYEEE!!

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