About Me

Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Hi Guy's! How's it going with all my viewers?? Been missing y'all this summer. Sorry I have not written life has me running around and enjoying my summer! So what have you guy's been up too? How was 4th of July? Mine was awesome had Church family over and of course did Fireworks!! First year of lighting them!! YAY! My sister said it's dangerous to let me handle fire... O_O I don't see what's so bad about it. Do you?? Oh well beats me..
Still very very much into my Music. And Basketball those things are my passion! Don't bother to ask if i've gotten any louder.. I'm always loud it's apart of my personality.. :D Which is a good thing right? Enjoying Youth Group!! Get's better and better thanks to my awesome youth pastor. :)  Life is good Life with God is AMAZING!! God is so powerful and can make life Enjoyable. Okay i'll stop before I give a lecture..... :P

NEW RECORD!!  I have not ran into a door since Yesterday.. YAY!! :D Lol is that a record? Oh well who cares. Wait... You care?! O_O Fine I sorta lied I ran into a door today. Gee you guy's love giving me a guilt trip!! JOKING!! You know I love you all.. Haha speaking of doors.. When we went to a Airport they had those doors that keep spinning and my foot got stuck so the door was stuck.. O_O 
Hmm thats about it.. Will see you guy's on saturday will be on this week. PEACE!! Love you guys!! :D
Anna Boo.

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