About Me

Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Quick post :D

Hello bro's! What is happening today? Nothing much today just relaxing got home from vacation yesterday...Soon I gotta start packing for Spirit West Coast!! WOOT! So pumped!
So yes yes... Fun stuff excited to see Manic Drive they are the bomb!
Short blog today! Catch ya tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

New begining! (:

Aye Mates! Ahoy! Hola! Hello!  What is happening my peeps!! Incase, you forgot who I am.... My name is Anna-Boo!! Wow it's been such a long time since I last wrote a Blog on here!! :O
Been so busy, living life and keeping my self really involved with my Church/Youth-Group. Woot!! I volunteer a lot and put a lot of my own time into serving God and other's around me. (:  Really enjoy serving others and spending time with my Church Family!! So, today I am not doing much of anything so now I am putting time into writing you fans and Friends!!!!...
Makes me happy, to see so many of you still read this.. Pretty fabulous!!! Well, this year going to Spirit West Coast again~~~ Busy, raising money for it! Were actually having a Rummage Sale this Saturday so yay! Also, leaving on Vacation with my family next week yay go vacation/family time? Call it whatever you want :P
Went, to the mall yesterday with my best girly friend...Yup yup we did some shopping got a few small things.. Still trying to convince my mom to take me back cause they were having a sale where you buy something...And you get a second item for 1cent!!!!!!! In this case I want a 14$ pair of AWESOME converse and than another one!!!! :D I mean really.......where can you go wrong on shoes that have studs on them!! STUDS BRO!!!

Haha have a new hobby!! It's called Anime!! Yeah? How many of you like that stuff? Been watching, Attack On Titan! By far the most intense, epic, plot building?, anime of all time!!! I love the way they have the characters and the way the story is revealed slowly!
Catch ya on the flip side bro's!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Night blog.

Hey guys! What's up? I am laying in bed with a headache ): kinda sucks!!!! What have you all been up to this week?
I've been busy with school and being lazy hahah lazy is my job..... -_- hehe?? Today, March 12th 2013..

Got up this morning lol as usual except I over slept did school work.. Than layed in my messy room and watched Netflix on my tv!! Haha so exciting!! And than went to the store with my mom at around 4ish... Came home and chilled watched another movie finished some school talked to some friends... And now here with you wonderful people :)

Isn't it nice were all family here? We can't see each other but I consider us a family (: ever since I first started and we are apart of Gods family!! :3
Am I the only one who thinks y'all should comment on my blog??? I mean really... There's over 500 of you who read this... Korea said yes!! If they do one comment ill reply. Promise? If one person from where I live United States does it ill love u 2 death!! REPEAT!! D-E-A-T-H (:
I am giving my time and effort to you all give me some feed back y'all!!!!!! (; luv u!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Blogging you guys!!

Hey all!! What is up??? Not much just watching some YouTube on my laptop... I will try to make a Blog every Friday! :)
Has anyone like ever trolled before?????? People do it all the time to they will like ask a question than ill answer and their like damn you are gullible!!! It's just a fail all around...... Bro pick on someone your own size I mean really?! Just cause I'm short don't mean you can pick on me!!

Basically sat on the computer all day playing a game and being bored till I reach my death!!!!!! So lame.....I'm going to start writing like daily Blogs... So keep checking you weenies!!
Hahah joking ;) I luv u

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Hey Guy's!! You like my fancy writing?!!??!!? LOL I ish love it!!
Glad to be writing....ok screw the fancy writing... how about this one? You guys surely can read it now, right????
Or now??? HI! HEY DOWN HERE!!!!!
Okay let's stick with the normal size cause I ish blind and can't read that small... hahahaha.. I'm bored lol just listening to Manic Drive on Youtube.. Make sure to listen to them they are AMAZING!!!!!! 
That thing was annoying.. Whaaaaaaaaat is it called?!??!!? Think it's a Font?? Is that correct>>>>>>? Idk..
Sweeeeeet check it out COLOR HAS APPEARED!!!! LOL we could do some RAINBOW!!!!!!
Wow thats pretty sweet!!! Rocking it out with some awesome color!!!

oh wow i'm getting carried away with all this color it's like blinding my eyes.....
You guys like?!?! LOL Ever since I was freaking out about color thought I would put those to show some COLOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

And Than we have my mad Ninja skills!!!

Were going to test see which looks better....
1. Ninja.
2. Ninja.
3. Ninja.

Well i ish going to go talk soon peeps!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Fun fun!!

Hi welcome back!! Thank you for those of you who kept reading!! Sorry have not been writing like totally forgot about you guy's.....Oop's???? Don't hate me lol.. :P
Oh well you guy's are good people so thank you for being patient with me!! <3 Love you all forever!!!!!!!!!!
How am I doing?? I ish awesome!! Busy as usual,lol absolutely still love playing Basketball get better and better the more I play.. (Not trying to brag people!!)  Very much apart and active with my Youth-Group and Church! Love serving others in God's love <3 Put's a smile on me face!!!! :D 

School is great, love this year!! Going by much faster than I had expected!!! Crazy crazy.... Finished my spelling book so yay! One less thing to do which is good, because I can focus more so on my other books that are on the big side....
What have you all been up to??? I'm sure without me you are very, very, very, very, bored with out me to entertain you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Anna has a new hobby.....Take a guess??? do you know what it is??? I'll tell you. lol I have been into watching Anime.. How many of you out there watch that stuff?? It has grown on me since I started watching Sword Art Online....
Anyone like Black Butler?? GOOD ONE OF YOU DO!!!!!! It's my new favorite Sebastian is amazing-ish... So cute! :)  

I need some help from you guy's.. This would be a huge blessing, go check out www.savesaeed.org 
Watch the video and if you feel God leading you to please sign the petition and help him!
He's a pastor who went to Iran and was arrested for sharing his Christian faith and building orphanages..
Help make a difference!! Every person counts! <3

Aren't I fun to talk to???????????? LOL I am so exciting.. going to be busy so might not write again till next week... As the writer of this blog i declare awesomeness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys are amazing, how did South Korea find me???? IM FROM AMERICA NOT KOREA LOL!!!!!  Well thanks for reading gotta finish some school and do some chores!!! Byeeeeeeeee <3

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hey guy's!! What is up people of earth and beyond???  How is everyone? :)
Glad I have time to write today.. It's yucky weather here in California all rainy and windy... :( I do NOT like it at all!!! This type of weather makes me tired in the day.. Did school today and than cleaned my room and chilled around the house.. 
Lately I have been into Anime, yes it's a cartoon but some are really good and cute! Like the one I am currently watching. It is called Shurgo Chara... No making fun of me allowed!!!!!! :P
Do you guy's like tacos???? :D YOU BETTER LIKE THEM....we had them last night for dinner it was amazing.... Of course I am a huge lover of taco's well basically any mexican food I absolutely love!!! L-O-V-E!!!! hahahhahha... And i'm pretty sure you guy's love me...? right....?? D: Good you do now I am extra happy than before!!! :D

Well I realize this was not very long but going to jet on out~~

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hey Guy's!! What is up?? I have so missed you all have not been able to write life is keeping me busy and away from my laptop. :(
Ever since it is friday I have more time to write a longer Blog.. LOL! School is amazing really doing great and grasping thing's!! :) So happy!! 
Have you guy's been good while I was gone?????? Din't miss me to much?? :) LOL hehe..
How is the start Fall been for you??? Hope it wonderful!! I always enjoy the changing of leafs and the tree's!!
Here in California it is raining... D: And it's soooo cold i'm like wearing 6 shirts!!! Jk!!
That is would get hot after awhile wearing that much clothing I would be sweating bullets...... O_O HAHAHAAHAHAHA...
Recently, a good friend of  mine has gotten me into Anime!! In case, you do not know what that is... It is Japanese cartoon's.. YES!! I still watch cartoons.. xD 
Favorite subject for school? Probably Biology or Spelling? :) Fo shure!!!!
Glad to see most of you still read my blog have close to 500 still!!! CRAZZZYYY!!!
Well gotta go bye!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Once again back....


What is up my people from another world???? I am Anna and I'm back with my Blog!! :) Hehe glad to see all of you are still reading these! Sorry I have not been able to write in a really long time.. SO busy with School and Life in general. School is great!!! Loving Biology so far that's my favorite next to English!! What is going on with you guy's?? Hope y'all din't get bored while I was gone for awhile.... Of course you din't because my blog's comfort you all while I am away living my life!!!!!!! ;)
Still really, into Music and all that......Music is still a HUGE part of my life and I think it always will be. It's my way to escape the world lol. Do any of you agree with me?? YES!! I see you in the back.. 
Well gotta run bye!! :D

Monday, August 20, 2012

Still can't think of a title

Hey everyone!! What's going on today? Not much here just sitting updated my Blog so make sure to take a look at that... So I have a request for my viewers, here it is.. If you go to the top of my Blog and you can see I put it where You can share on Facebook or Twitter. Please do so!!! You guy's are the ones the make this possible so I need that support. Thanks!! :)
School is starting soon, that's why I put my image on school books so we can get back into the school theme instead of fun themes...Excited to be a Soft-More in High school, going to be a new thing and a challenge!! Ready to tackle it head on!!! >:D  LOL! Except for Algebra1 think I will avoid tackling that....Perhaps you can tackle it for me...? HA! Joking.. Can't wait to give Spanish, a try again hopefully I will do better!!! I tried last year but, wasn't really putting effort into learning....
I'm going to answer a few questions..
1. Favorite music artist? Usher.
2. What am I interested in? Ducttape.
3. Favorite Cartoon show growing up? This is weird, considering it was a boy show but I liked Justice League.
4. Occupation? Music and Family.
5. Favorite food? PIZZA! :D
6. Best movie seen? Batman The Dark Knight Rises.
7. Person I look up to? I have more than one. Parent's and my Grandpa.

Alright now time for just out of this world questions I came up with.....
1. What would I do if I was trapped in Spongebob? Would run around like a crazy person.
2. Do I prefer TV or Listening to a opera singer? Opera Singer, they say opera makes your mind grow.
Okay that's enough for me...This is making my head hurt!!! LOL!!!!!!
Well I am going to go bye!!! Love you guys!!!