About Me

Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Hey everyone! Hm it is 11:25pm at night!!! That means I am starting a new thing called Night Blogging with Anna! Yay.. :-D This will be intresting. Because I am writing on my iPod using a Blogger app. Lawl!!!
So ever since i'm in bed ill tell you some cool things.. Like I sleep with 3 pillows and also my stuff sox monkey my mama gave me!! Hehhe. :-)
How many of you sleep with a night light still? I dont so if you do your babys!!! Jk!! You all know i love you..... You guys are such a huge blessing to follow me. I really never thought id be that populuar but thats not what its about for me. I enjoy being funny and sharing with you guys!! :-D

A lot of you come from all over the globe. Its amazing!! Neat for me to think that im sharing my life with people half way around the world. :-)
Okay so this dosent sound like me but i was getting all emotional in real life and trust me i do not do that a lot!
Moving on....school is great loving every bit of it!! Except for algebra. But gotta learn.
Well anna needs to go to sleep i got to go mr doctor tomorrow. Lol byeee all!!!! Love u all!!! <3

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