Hey guy's!
How's life? Hope it is going pretty awesome for all you special readers..
I am fine been sick lately.. So ever since I am sick I decided i'll write a Blog to keep me busy!
Good idea right?! YES I CAME UP WITH IT!!!! (Not my sister)
So tell me what have y'all been up too?? Hope you guy's dint miss me to much.. Aw you did??? No, no, no, don't cry!! It's okay I'm back... Okay so I am sure you all read my blog where I posted pictures of My Sister's art work? Well one her Art Friend's on YouTube read it and told her that it is really good!!!! NOW HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
School is great! Lately I am NOT enjoying Literature, why? Well because I am reading a Classic book called "Silas Marner" If you have ever read it than you know it is the MOST slow book in the whole world.. I had to read 5 chapter's before they actually mentioned Silas Marner.... In that moment I could hear the Angel's sing!!! -sniffs- It was a beautiful sound!
Ok than I am now going to stop...... You know what I realized? I have realized that I am a Christian Music lunatic!!!!! Well I would not say lunatic but maybe a Expert? No this is no joke!!!!! We will be sitting in the car listening to radio and I can name the songs right off the bat... Kinda weird because I do that in my friend's car.... Everyone in my Family wonder's how I do that, I tell them it's because I listen to music a lot.. ITS TRUE I AM LISTENING TO MUSIC LIKE EVERY MINUTE OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Mom insists I become a DJ person at a Radio station.. Because of my talent. Yes, I have a talent... Trust me if you search deep with in your soul you might find something.. Nah talent's aren't found like that only God blesses us with them, He's just waiting for us to find them..
My sister thinks I am the most Gullible person in the world.. Do you??
Joking it's a joke....Duh I knew that.... (No I dint) Yes I am gullible!!!!!
Oh yeah I made up this joke that goes like "Is your computer fast? If it is get the Anna Box, she'll make it super slow" Now tell me do you see the point in this??? Cause I surely do not see a Opening to this I am most certainly NOT slow only when I am doing math or card games................................... O_O
-silent- This is awkward................ GREAT NOW THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS THAT I AM SLOW AND UH................. gullible................ Isn't that great?!?! Now do me a favor and tell the person sitting next to you that.....................You love them!!!! Share the love!!!!
And most important the love of God...
Right now I am choking on a Cough Drop... Ok it is official these cough drops are way to strong and honey flavored!!!!!!!!!!
Ok that's all for now catch you later!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
About Me
- Crazymonkeyboss
- Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Oh yes it is.. Nah i'm joking I have nothing to quiz about! Waaa!
Sorry I have not written a Blog in awhile. Been super busy with uhh LIFE!!!!
Hahahaha so tell me what are you people doing for Thanksgiving???
I am celebrating with my awesome family.. :)
My favorite food is HAM!!!!!!!!!!!! What about you guy's?
Thanksgiving is a time to be Thankfull, wait that was pointing out the obvious because thanksgiving has "thanks" in it.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THat right there is a LOVELY piece of green bean casserole art!! Now stare at it!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEEP STARING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should ALL LOVE this food!! It's God's gift too me... :DDDDDDDDDDDD
thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for all that you have ........... like im thankful for
my home an for my family!!! DONT FORGET HAM!!!!
an please remember I don't judge food I'm jus a big lover of food of all types especially PIE!!!!!!
dont give me all the credit for this blog my lovely sister helped me.. She came up with the Pie.
Sorry if I am scarying you.. My sister let me have sugar!! So now i'm all hyper and bouncy.
Well have a great thanksgiving.
Oh yes it is.. Nah i'm joking I have nothing to quiz about! Waaa!
Sorry I have not written a Blog in awhile. Been super busy with uhh LIFE!!!!
Hahahaha so tell me what are you people doing for Thanksgiving???
I am celebrating with my awesome family.. :)
My favorite food is HAM!!!!!!!!!!!! What about you guy's?
Thanksgiving is a time to be Thankfull, wait that was pointing out the obvious because thanksgiving has "thanks" in it.
You should ALL LOVE this food!! It's God's gift too me... :DDDDDDDDDDDD
thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for all that you have ........... like im thankful for
my home an for my family!!! DONT FORGET HAM!!!!
an please remember I don't judge food I'm jus a big lover of food of all types especially PIE!!!!!!
dont give me all the credit for this blog my lovely sister helped me.. She came up with the Pie.
Sorry if I am scarying you.. My sister let me have sugar!! So now i'm all hyper and bouncy.
Well have a great thanksgiving.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Welcome to my blog! How are you guys doing on this fine day?
Sorry I have not posted a blog recently been busy with Life and School. So today I am taking the time to do one, so kick back with a pound of bacon and enjoy!!!
School is great! My favorite subject this year is hmmmm... Geography, really good at it and enjoy it! And I have to tell you guys my LEAST favorite subject is by faaaaaaaaaaaaar is.................................. Themes In Literature!!!!!
My sister is obsessed with this Photo I have on my Ipod and it says " I like long walks on the beach and poetry and also poking dead things with a stick" Now tell me how stupidly awesome that is!!!!!!!!!! Now you all know that my sister is a Artist so I will post some pictures of her Art Work...
By M.W.
That is a small portion of her art work! Please do not try to copy.... We would greatly appreciate it if you did not copy her art work... Thank you! Aw don't cry I know its beautiful but no need to cry over it... I know I've cried over her work too!!!! (Not really)
Moving on..... How many off y'all go to the fast food place called In & out?? Well if you do make sure to look on the bottom of the small cup, they put a book from the Bible with the verse. Now its time to get serious!
Are you ready? Here it is........................................................................
BEHOLD!!! THE PUPPY!!!!!! Yes, take a good look.. Okay looking time over!!! STOP LOOKING!
Your still looking... Don't make me delete the picture!?!?! That would make him very sad.. :(
Look's like this is another random moment with Anna-Boo!!
Talk to you guys soon! :)
Monday, September 19, 2011
Random stuff and awesome thinges i guess??
Whoa, that I have to say is the most random opening line I've used to write a Blog.. What do you think? Here I'll think for you *thinks* nope I have nothing you guy's can think for yourselves!!
Ouch! You guy's have a hard thick head to think through!! *rubs head*
Any way's besides my head hurting, let's talk business. Joking I do not have any business except for school... OH yea that reminds me I started School today!!!! :D Monday, 19th 2011. Yes, I like it so far! The only subject I'm not to thrilled about is Literature... Why?? Because I'm also not a fan of Reading and that is reading like LOOOONG stories! So yeah....
Favorite subject?? That would be Geography, I enjoy reading about all the different places in the world. All my subjects are Bible Study, Physical Science, Geography, Grammar, Literature, Spelling, Spanish, and Math.. That is 8 subjects!! AHhh help me?
You guy's want to know something about me?? I get scared real easy!! So if you know me in real life, you now know my Weakness...... That was dumb for me tell you guy's!!!! This mean's I have to be watching my back... -Hides in closet- I'm now safe in here!! Hehe.. Ok fine I'll come out and keep chit chatting with you guy's!! Have you the readers ever noticed on how some of my Blogs I don't put a title?? Yeah I just now noticed that as I was reading some of them... So this time I put one!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!!!
Y'all like music?? I do! It makes me happy! :)
What also makes me happy is God!!! He is my best buddy... Is He yours?? As your friend I encourage you to know him!! :)
Hmmm can bacon make someone happy???? Wait it's food... I don't know haha you guy's tell me... That is my question to you the readers, "Can bacon or any other type of food make someone happy??
Food is NOT a person, someone who you can converse with every day about something.. That's just a thought.
Remember, I'm a very random person sometimes.... So all that stuff about Bacon and telling you my little weakness that was all RANDOM... But, completely honest and true! Ask anyone.. By the way, that question I put up there about bacon, you don't need to respond to it unless you want to...
Interesting on how a Dog acts at times?? OH yes, dogs can scare you our dog scares me very much so at times.. It's so scary I can't say because it's rated R for mature audiences ONLY!!! O_O So, if you have any Young Children with you please cover their ears... Thank you! I'm totally joking!! That would be dumb... Still I'm not telling y'all!!! (don't try begging either) What is the world coming to when you have to cover kids ears just to hear your AWESOME blog producer tell a story?????? It means...... Uhhhhhh... Let's just forget about that, okay??
GREAT!!!! Moving on..................... Sorry guy's I can't move on I gotta run, other stuff is waiting for me!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I don't want to go Mommy!!!!!!! NO don't make me leave my readers!!!! *Cry* Yeah, well now I'm scaring you guys byeeeeeeeeeeee.........
Whoa, that I have to say is the most random opening line I've used to write a Blog.. What do you think? Here I'll think for you *thinks* nope I have nothing you guy's can think for yourselves!!
Ouch! You guy's have a hard thick head to think through!! *rubs head*
Any way's besides my head hurting, let's talk business. Joking I do not have any business except for school... OH yea that reminds me I started School today!!!! :D Monday, 19th 2011. Yes, I like it so far! The only subject I'm not to thrilled about is Literature... Why?? Because I'm also not a fan of Reading and that is reading like LOOOONG stories! So yeah....
Favorite subject?? That would be Geography, I enjoy reading about all the different places in the world. All my subjects are Bible Study, Physical Science, Geography, Grammar, Literature, Spelling, Spanish, and Math.. That is 8 subjects!! AHhh help me?
You guy's want to know something about me?? I get scared real easy!! So if you know me in real life, you now know my Weakness...... That was dumb for me tell you guy's!!!! This mean's I have to be watching my back... -Hides in closet- I'm now safe in here!! Hehe.. Ok fine I'll come out and keep chit chatting with you guy's!! Have you the readers ever noticed on how some of my Blogs I don't put a title?? Yeah I just now noticed that as I was reading some of them... So this time I put one!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!!!
Y'all like music?? I do! It makes me happy! :)
What also makes me happy is God!!! He is my best buddy... Is He yours?? As your friend I encourage you to know him!! :)
Hmmm can bacon make someone happy???? Wait it's food... I don't know haha you guy's tell me... That is my question to you the readers, "Can bacon or any other type of food make someone happy??
Food is NOT a person, someone who you can converse with every day about something.. That's just a thought.
Remember, I'm a very random person sometimes.... So all that stuff about Bacon and telling you my little weakness that was all RANDOM... But, completely honest and true! Ask anyone.. By the way, that question I put up there about bacon, you don't need to respond to it unless you want to...
Interesting on how a Dog acts at times?? OH yes, dogs can scare you our dog scares me very much so at times.. It's so scary I can't say because it's rated R for mature audiences ONLY!!! O_O So, if you have any Young Children with you please cover their ears... Thank you! I'm totally joking!! That would be dumb... Still I'm not telling y'all!!! (don't try begging either) What is the world coming to when you have to cover kids ears just to hear your AWESOME blog producer tell a story?????? It means...... Uhhhhhh... Let's just forget about that, okay??
GREAT!!!! Moving on..................... Sorry guy's I can't move on I gotta run, other stuff is waiting for me!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I don't want to go Mommy!!!!!!! NO don't make me leave my readers!!!! *Cry* Yeah, well now I'm scaring you guys byeeeeeeeeeeee.........
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Spirit West Coast and Life.
Hey Guy's,
I am sorry I have not written a blog in awhile.
Life is keeping me busy! Well where to start? Hmmm.... I'm very excited for school to start! High school YEEEP!!! Me going to be a Freshman! Yay.... What am I most looking forward to in my Freshmen year? All the hott guy's!!! ;D (JOKING) Yes joking my Mom would ground me for life if she found out that...Shhhhh it can be our secret!! Mwahahahaha! No I'm looking forward to the challenge of work that's a bit harder and the new subject's! :DD
Yall are probably wondering how's my summer? What have I been doing?
Here let me put this in 1 word.. FUN, FUN, FUN, and more FUN! Oops guess I put that more than one word? Hehe I've had a awesome summer, still am.. Went to the Pool many times with Friends also, got Yogurt at downtown Murphy's Yogurt shop called "Yogurt Your Way" Yummmmy!
Still continuing to go to Youth-Group on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm.. Having a blast going to that and learning about out God and Jesus Christ!! :) This year we (Youth Group) did a lot of hard work and fundraising. Why? Oooh I will most certainly tell you guy's why! Ready? You sure? Get comfy! Go to the bathroom.. Um too far! lol ok i'll tell you... Because we wanted to go to Spirt West Coast or to shorten it (Swc) What is Spirit West Coast? Well it's a world wide Christian Festival with all kind.s of bands. I'll give ya some.
1. Skillet.
2. Matthew West.
3. Lecrea.
4. Thousond Foot Krutch.
5. The Afters.
And many more... Any way's about the fundraising we did this thing called a Slave auction. What is it? What we basically do is We (Teen's) get sold to people for a certain amount of money than we do House/Yard work for them or whatever they need.. Grrr I got sold to my Mom.. LOLOL love you Mom!! :) Don't worry we didn't get sold to some person off the street! It was someone in church. So we left Wednesday August 3rd I believe. We drove about 4 hour's in the car to
Monterey. Fun ride! I rode with my Friend Sam and her sis my sis and are friend Mariah.. We laughed the whole way. It was a awesome experience... There were about 18 teens all together that went. We all camped at a Camp Site! BRRR it was really cold there!!!!! I like put on 3 shirts at night with a heavy jacket.
I slept in a tent with 4 other girls, My Sister, Jessica, Sam, and Kassidy.. It was a tight fit, but hey we all kept warm and toasty!! :) What was my favorite band? SKILLET!!!!! You guy's should know that... Skillet was AWESOME in concert!
We got super good seat's too, so that made it better!!! Second favorite band was The After's and Sanctusreal really neat bands!
Here are some pictures.
This is the Comedian Bob S. Miley :) :) :) :)
Lecrea a Christian rapper!
Phill Whickman.
Ok so those are just a few of the many band's that went... My favorite out of these is Lecrea!
We arrived at the camp site, around 9pm and boy was it COLD!!!!!!!!!!! Ughhhhh..... On the 2nd day we all woke up at 8am too early for my taste... Made breakfast then we ate and all of us walked down to the stage and listend to SCREAMO!!! So annoying you can't understand what the heck they are saying!!!! Anyway's on the second day we all sat in a circle and went over the rules and stuff relaated to that.. We saw Tenth Avenue North later that afternoon.. That was really neat to see them, the lead singer got off the stage and went into the audience, it was AWESOME!!!! We also saw Matthew West play! This guy >>>>
Isn't he awesome? I know he is!!! Tehe..
What song's did he play?? He played "More" The Motion's" "Only Grace" "My Own Little World" "You are Everything". And final but not least "Strong enough". Ever since I love the song "Strong Enough" So much I'll post the video on here!!!! Well go on click play... YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm scarying you guy's aren't I??? OH WELL you know y'all LOVE my blogs... Awww stop you're making me blush!!!!! Okay, that was one of my weird moment's......... Back to the subject....
It was funny on the 3rd day we were hanging out at the stage and all the teens were asleep on the ground!!!! HAHAHHAHA!!!! I wanted to yell so bad WAKE UP LAZY HEAD'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nah jk I would probably make them mad or something like that......
In the mean time while they were sleeping my Youth-Leader (Jeremy.D) Was showing me Magic Card Trick's hehehe it was funny...
It was a great experience! On Saturday we went to the Beach!!! The beach was called Seaside, we had lunch and had Lot's Lot's and again Lot's of fun in the Ocean! Brrr it was cold at first but it felt nice... There were Lot's of Seagulls there it was really annoying!!!!!! ughh stupid birds!!!!!
Okay, well I will post some video's of the artists/bands and songs we saw.. Sound good? Of course it does!!!
Tenth Avenue North - Strong Enough to Save.
The Afters - Light up the sky.
Skillet - Monster.
Toby Mac - Tonight.
Phill Whickman - Divine Romance.
Ok well that's a few and I gotta go... I will be writing more bloggs so you guys got something to look forward too... YOU BETTER READ THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! (No pressure) heehehheh okay byeeeeeee
I am sorry I have not written a blog in awhile.
Life is keeping me busy! Well where to start? Hmmm.... I'm very excited for school to start! High school YEEEP!!! Me going to be a Freshman! Yay.... What am I most looking forward to in my Freshmen year? All the hott guy's!!! ;D (JOKING) Yes joking my Mom would ground me for life if she found out that...Shhhhh it can be our secret!! Mwahahahaha! No I'm looking forward to the challenge of work that's a bit harder and the new subject's! :DD
Yall are probably wondering how's my summer? What have I been doing?
Here let me put this in 1 word.. FUN, FUN, FUN, and more FUN! Oops guess I put that more than one word? Hehe I've had a awesome summer, still am.. Went to the Pool many times with Friends also, got Yogurt at downtown Murphy's Yogurt shop called "Yogurt Your Way" Yummmmy!
Still continuing to go to Youth-Group on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm.. Having a blast going to that and learning about out God and Jesus Christ!! :) This year we (Youth Group) did a lot of hard work and fundraising. Why? Oooh I will most certainly tell you guy's why! Ready? You sure? Get comfy! Go to the bathroom.. Um too far! lol ok i'll tell you... Because we wanted to go to Spirt West Coast or to shorten it (Swc) What is Spirit West Coast? Well it's a world wide Christian Festival with all kind.s of bands. I'll give ya some.
1. Skillet.
2. Matthew West.
3. Lecrea.
4. Thousond Foot Krutch.
5. The Afters.
And many more... Any way's about the fundraising we did this thing called a Slave auction. What is it? What we basically do is We (Teen's) get sold to people for a certain amount of money than we do House/Yard work for them or whatever they need.. Grrr I got sold to my Mom.. LOLOL love you Mom!! :) Don't worry we didn't get sold to some person off the street! It was someone in church. So we left Wednesday August 3rd I believe. We drove about 4 hour's in the car to
Monterey. Fun ride! I rode with my Friend Sam and her sis my sis and are friend Mariah.. We laughed the whole way. It was a awesome experience... There were about 18 teens all together that went. We all camped at a Camp Site! BRRR it was really cold there!!!!! I like put on 3 shirts at night with a heavy jacket.
I slept in a tent with 4 other girls, My Sister, Jessica, Sam, and Kassidy.. It was a tight fit, but hey we all kept warm and toasty!! :) What was my favorite band? SKILLET!!!!! You guy's should know that... Skillet was AWESOME in concert!
We got super good seat's too, so that made it better!!! Second favorite band was The After's and Sanctusreal really neat bands!
Here are some pictures.
Ok so those are just a few of the many band's that went... My favorite out of these is Lecrea!
We arrived at the camp site, around 9pm and boy was it COLD!!!!!!!!!!! Ughhhhh..... On the 2nd day we all woke up at 8am too early for my taste... Made breakfast then we ate and all of us walked down to the stage and listend to SCREAMO!!! So annoying you can't understand what the heck they are saying!!!! Anyway's on the second day we all sat in a circle and went over the rules and stuff relaated to that.. We saw Tenth Avenue North later that afternoon.. That was really neat to see them, the lead singer got off the stage and went into the audience, it was AWESOME!!!! We also saw Matthew West play! This guy >>>>
What song's did he play?? He played "More" The Motion's" "Only Grace" "My Own Little World" "You are Everything". And final but not least "Strong enough". Ever since I love the song "Strong Enough" So much I'll post the video on here!!!! Well go on click play... YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm scarying you guy's aren't I??? OH WELL you know y'all LOVE my blogs... Awww stop you're making me blush!!!!! Okay, that was one of my weird moment's......... Back to the subject....
It was funny on the 3rd day we were hanging out at the stage and all the teens were asleep on the ground!!!! HAHAHHAHA!!!! I wanted to yell so bad WAKE UP LAZY HEAD'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nah jk I would probably make them mad or something like that......
In the mean time while they were sleeping my Youth-Leader (Jeremy.D) Was showing me Magic Card Trick's hehehe it was funny...
It was a great experience! On Saturday we went to the Beach!!! The beach was called Seaside, we had lunch and had Lot's Lot's and again Lot's of fun in the Ocean! Brrr it was cold at first but it felt nice... There were Lot's of Seagulls there it was really annoying!!!!!! ughh stupid birds!!!!!
Okay, well I will post some video's of the artists/bands and songs we saw.. Sound good? Of course it does!!!
Tenth Avenue North - Strong Enough to Save.
The Afters - Light up the sky.
Skillet - Monster.
Toby Mac - Tonight.
Phill Whickman - Divine Romance.
Ok well that's a few and I gotta go... I will be writing more bloggs so you guys got something to look forward too... YOU BETTER READ THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! (No pressure) heehehheh okay byeeeeeee
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Our Earth and Beyond!
Our Earth, is filled with many thing's... Most of it's filled with the beauty of nature!
Our nature is created by our Creator "God"! Everything created by our God, has it's own unique look and beauty! Nothing on this Earth is the same or blah... All we have to do is take the time to look around and see our Creator's mighty hand over it all!!! He made us with that special talent to Hear it, Smell it, Touch it, and See it.... No Man on this earth can count how many Stars there are or how many Galaxies there are!
Only God knows how many Stars/Galaxies there are in the whole entire EARTH and Universe!
And knows what their names are!
Each Animal on earth has it's own special way of living! Which gives each animal it's own Awesome style of surviving!!!
As Humans it's our choice to take in God's love! He will fill us with Love, Joy, Peace, and Kindness! All we have to do is just let our God fill us with it!!
I highly recomend that you watch this awesome DVD, it is called "God of Wonders"...
My mom had us watch it for part of our homeschooling, and I am so glad that she did!!!

Okay so I have some Awesome and Beautiful pictures to share~ Enjoy!
Just outstanding!!!
Awwww how cute! :-) Even if your Small you still have Beauty!
Family love!!
God's beauty!! WOW!!!
Okay guy's thank you so much for reading my blog!!
Our nature is created by our Creator "God"! Everything created by our God, has it's own unique look and beauty! Nothing on this Earth is the same or blah... All we have to do is take the time to look around and see our Creator's mighty hand over it all!!! He made us with that special talent to Hear it, Smell it, Touch it, and See it.... No Man on this earth can count how many Stars there are or how many Galaxies there are!
Only God knows how many Stars/Galaxies there are in the whole entire EARTH and Universe!
And knows what their names are!
Each Animal on earth has it's own special way of living! Which gives each animal it's own Awesome style of surviving!!!
As Humans it's our choice to take in God's love! He will fill us with Love, Joy, Peace, and Kindness! All we have to do is just let our God fill us with it!!
I highly recomend that you watch this awesome DVD, it is called "God of Wonders"...
My mom had us watch it for part of our homeschooling, and I am so glad that she did!!!
Okay so I have some Awesome and Beautiful pictures to share~ Enjoy!
Okay guy's thank you so much for reading my blog!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Hi Everyone,
A lot of my Friends at Youth-Group and other places ask me "What is it like being Home schooled?" Now I get this Question a lot!!!! After awhile I got use to it but this is my answer... You ready??? It's a long answer!! Maybe I will just explain it for you guy's.... Yeppy I will do that.
What I say is, Homeschooling is the BEST!!! You don't always have to get dress...=) That mean's keeping nice and WARM in your Pj's!!!! Lol okay there's also a lot of Kool thing's to it!
But, just because I am at home does not mean I don't have a lot! Well, if you are thinking I have little work to do?? YOUR WRONG!!! I do just as much work as the Kid's in Regular School do... Except, I do not get Homework!!! HAHAHA :P But, yes I do have a lot of subject's....
Yes, I do school Monday-Friday! So I am proud of being Home schooled because I do not
have to learn what they Teach in Regular School. Or have to worry about Bullies!
All my School book's are from a Christian Perspective, so it gives me information in God's way...
Which I do like very much! Also, a kid who goes to public school spends at least 6 to 8 hours away from their home....That makes for a very long day! Without being in the comforts of ones home....being away from my family would be hard for me Monday thru Friday! And, if you added all that up, a student is away around 36 to 48 hours.....Wow! have been to public school for 1 day to try it out....Which was a good idea at the time.....I was eleven when I tried that out.......And trust me, I did not like it at all!!!!! THAT WAS THE LONGEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to raise my hand for everything, going to the bathroom, no snacks, no breaks when I wanted one....and the list goes on....
You guy's are probably wondering what are my Restriction's at home?
Good question! They are, No Texting, No Talking loudly, No Playing on my Ipod, and No listening to music... Do I have a Principle?? Yes! I do, it's my Dad... It might be weird? But it isnt, trust me!
Okay, you guy's should be Home Schooled!!!! Lol... it is the best thing to do in LIFE!!!! =-)
What subject am I best at?? I would to say by far Spanish.
What subject is not my best?? Haha you all know that......MATH!!
What subject interest me most?? Um, that is tuff I have to say History.
What subject do I NOT look forward to?? That is...........Health/Science.
= Homeschooling.
That is about all for today! I am going to go now I have Pre-Algerbra awaiting me!!! (Not joking)
Thank's for reading!!
A lot of my Friends at Youth-Group and other places ask me "What is it like being Home schooled?" Now I get this Question a lot!!!! After awhile I got use to it but this is my answer... You ready??? It's a long answer!! Maybe I will just explain it for you guy's.... Yeppy I will do that.
What I say is, Homeschooling is the BEST!!! You don't always have to get dress...=) That mean's keeping nice and WARM in your Pj's!!!! Lol okay there's also a lot of Kool thing's to it!
But, just because I am at home does not mean I don't have a lot! Well, if you are thinking I have little work to do?? YOUR WRONG!!! I do just as much work as the Kid's in Regular School do... Except, I do not get Homework!!! HAHAHA :P But, yes I do have a lot of subject's....
Yes, I do school Monday-Friday! So I am proud of being Home schooled because I do not
have to learn what they Teach in Regular School. Or have to worry about Bullies!
All my School book's are from a Christian Perspective, so it gives me information in God's way...
Which I do like very much! Also, a kid who goes to public school spends at least 6 to 8 hours away from their home....That makes for a very long day! Without being in the comforts of ones home....being away from my family would be hard for me Monday thru Friday! And, if you added all that up, a student is away around 36 to 48 hours.....Wow! have been to public school for 1 day to try it out....Which was a good idea at the time.....I was eleven when I tried that out.......And trust me, I did not like it at all!!!!! THAT WAS THE LONGEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to raise my hand for everything, going to the bathroom, no snacks, no breaks when I wanted one....and the list goes on....
You guy's are probably wondering what are my Restriction's at home?
Good question! They are, No Texting, No Talking loudly, No Playing on my Ipod, and No listening to music... Do I have a Principle?? Yes! I do, it's my Dad... It might be weird? But it isnt, trust me!
Okay, you guy's should be Home Schooled!!!! Lol... it is the best thing to do in LIFE!!!! =-)
What subject am I best at?? I would to say by far Spanish.
What subject is not my best?? Haha you all know that......MATH!!
What subject interest me most?? Um, that is tuff I have to say History.
What subject do I NOT look forward to?? That is...........Health/Science.
That is about all for today! I am going to go now I have Pre-Algerbra awaiting me!!! (Not joking)
Thank's for reading!!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
School work and Funny pictures of school.
Hi Everyone,
My school work has been awesome!
I'm going to talk about not everything but some of my subjects, Let's start with History.
In History I'm studying about Abraham Lincoln and how he was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. They say after John Booth murdered our 16th president he jumped off the balcony and escaped with a broken ankle. Abraham Lincoln died in a Theater while he was watching from a Balcony seat with his wife... His wife was Mary Todd Lincoln. The theater was Ford's Theater where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated!
This happened on April 14th, 1865. He was 56 year's old.... It was about 10:15 pm when it happened.
Okay, that's all for History let's move on with another subject!
Let's talk about.........SPANISH!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOT!!!!! :P
Hehe! Okay I've been studying types of clothing like Sweaters, Coats, Boot's, and Raincoats.
Here I am giving you some examples on what I am doing.
1. El Impermeable - The Raincoat.
2. Las Botas - The Boot's.
3. El Abrigo - The Coat.
4. El Sueter- The Sweater.
Okay, so there you have some Spanish words for you to learn....
Now on Health, my not so FAVORITE SUBJECT lolz... Sorry, if that sound's bad but I do like some parts in this subject....
Health is interesting it has given me information that I would have never known
about.... Like Heartburn is a common discomfort, produced when excess acid in the stomach is carried up through the esophagus with a gas bubble, that is Heartburn! Ouch ouch!
This pain or burning behind the chest and sour taste in ones mouth is a common symptom of indesgestion. Yikes, that would be PAINFUL!!! You can ease the pain by sitting or standing ... Heartburn is made worse by bending down or lying down!! SO DO NOT DO THOSE THING'S!!!!! Thinking of that sour taste makes me not sooo hungry any more!
Those were some of my selective choices of what I study.
Okay, so that's about all for school now I am going to add some fun stuff!!!
Hmmm.....Wanna see some pictures?? Of course you do!!
Lol here's a couple of pictures to look at :)
See kid's, stay in school!!!!
Nice job!
Thats right! Say, "Thank You", even if it's your Mom teaching you! Ha Ha......
awwww how cute!
Are you a bookworm?
That is hilarious!!! Notice the spelling???
Poor cat!! Looks like me, if I were a cat after summer vacation...Ha ha...
Okay everyone, thank you for reading have an awesome day!
My school work has been awesome!
I'm going to talk about not everything but some of my subjects, Let's start with History.
In History I'm studying about Abraham Lincoln and how he was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. They say after John Booth murdered our 16th president he jumped off the balcony and escaped with a broken ankle. Abraham Lincoln died in a Theater while he was watching from a Balcony seat with his wife... His wife was Mary Todd Lincoln. The theater was Ford's Theater where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated!
This happened on April 14th, 1865. He was 56 year's old.... It was about 10:15 pm when it happened.
Okay, that's all for History let's move on with another subject!
Let's talk about.........SPANISH!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOT!!!!! :P
Hehe! Okay I've been studying types of clothing like Sweaters, Coats, Boot's, and Raincoats.
Here I am giving you some examples on what I am doing.
1. El Impermeable - The Raincoat.
2. Las Botas - The Boot's.
3. El Abrigo - The Coat.
4. El Sueter- The Sweater.
Okay, so there you have some Spanish words for you to learn....
Now on Health, my not so FAVORITE SUBJECT lolz... Sorry, if that sound's bad but I do like some parts in this subject....
Health is interesting it has given me information that I would have never known
about.... Like Heartburn is a common discomfort, produced when excess acid in the stomach is carried up through the esophagus with a gas bubble, that is Heartburn! Ouch ouch!
This pain or burning behind the chest and sour taste in ones mouth is a common symptom of indesgestion. Yikes, that would be PAINFUL!!! You can ease the pain by sitting or standing ... Heartburn is made worse by bending down or lying down!! SO DO NOT DO THOSE THING'S!!!!! Thinking of that sour taste makes me not sooo hungry any more!
Those were some of my selective choices of what I study.
Okay, so that's about all for school now I am going to add some fun stuff!!!
Hmmm.....Wanna see some pictures?? Of course you do!!
Lol here's a couple of pictures to look at :)
Okay everyone, thank you for reading have an awesome day!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Hi Everyone,
Sorry I have not been able to post a blog, I have been super busy!
On the 12th of March, I went to a concert with my Youth Group called "Awake and Alive", with my youth leader Jeremy, which I have mentioned in my other blogs.
The band's that played were Thousand Foot Krutch, Lecrea, Mercy Me, Jars Of Clay, and The Afters!!! Those are some of the best bands in the world!!! Woooot!!!!
The Afters were my favorite, they played their new song, "Light up the sky"
You guy's can go to Youtube, and search "The afters light up the sky".
Or there is a link at the bottom...
Here is a link!!
It will bring you to a variety of videos to watch and listen!!!
They had many different booth's to sponsor and such. I went to Air1's booth and got a photo with Ashton!!! He is one of the talk show host people!!!
The video link up at the top is my favorite video for this song!! You guy's can go to Youtube and watch other videos they have. This one is just their new video for the song! :-) Hope you guy's enjoy the video! Because I loved it!!!
Jars of clay, was pretty awesome live!! If you like slower music then there for you!! Hehe... They also played their new song "Shelter" which is a slower song.
Again, you can go to Youtube and look it up or listen to the link! Your option.
Here is a link!!
Thousand Foot Krutch is a rock band their music is FAST!!!!
Beware, if you dont like LOUD FAST MUSIC they are NOT for you!!! Say it with me NOT FOR YOU!!!!!!! Haha!!! I love them they played their song "Rawkfist".
Now this music contains extreme rock!!! So be careful with what song your listening to!!! Once again you can go to Youtube, and look up "Thousand Foot Krutch "Rawkfist". Or click the link at the bottom! Your choice!
Here is a link!!
Here is a link!!
Lol okay final but not least Mery Me. They are slow music so there you go!!! There's your sloooow music for ya!! They played their new song "Your beautiful".
So click the link below to listen to their new song!
Here is a link!!
Well thank you so much for reading!!
It means alot remember check out the videos I posted!!
See ya later till next blog!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Schools back in the 1850s, and schools now in 2011
Public Education.
In colonial times, the Puritans had started a town school system financed by local taxes in parts of New England. In the 1840s, Horace Mann (1796-1859) promoted the idea of public primary school for all children. As the first secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education, Horace Mann also founded the first school for the training of teachers Soon, the idea of public education caught on.
By 1850, most children in the well populated parts of the North attended public elementary schools. Most states in other sections of the Country had at least a couple elementary schools. Many people called the new schools free schools because parents did not have to pay tuition; but all taxpayers had to pay taxes
to help support the schools. The public schools of the 19th century gave students a good foundation in Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, History, Literature, The Sciences, and Basic Morality. Many of the teachers were Christians, and the textbooks were usually written by people who understood and believed the basic teachings of the Bible. Students also read and memorized the works of many American poets and authors.
Today in the year of 2011, they continue to leave out even more of proper morals in schools. They leave out the most important thing, which is trusting and believing in the Bible and Jesus!
So that's why there is such awful things that happen in some public schools like, bulling, suicide, unplanned teen pregnancies, drug and alcohol abuse, homosexuality and Shootings.
They now teach Sex Ed and Etc.....The schools are no longer like they were in the 1850s,
God and the Bible were thrown out because the U.S has become more liberal in their thinking, without concern for Biblical values and morals.
That is why, my parents Home-school me so I don't pick up any of that junk!
I am very greatful that I do not witness those horrific things or tragedies first hand.
Thank you, for reading!!
In colonial times, the Puritans had started a town school system financed by local taxes in parts of New England. In the 1840s, Horace Mann (1796-1859) promoted the idea of public primary school for all children. As the first secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education, Horace Mann also founded the first school for the training of teachers Soon, the idea of public education caught on.
By 1850, most children in the well populated parts of the North attended public elementary schools. Most states in other sections of the Country had at least a couple elementary schools. Many people called the new schools free schools because parents did not have to pay tuition; but all taxpayers had to pay taxes
to help support the schools. The public schools of the 19th century gave students a good foundation in Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, History, Literature, The Sciences, and Basic Morality. Many of the teachers were Christians, and the textbooks were usually written by people who understood and believed the basic teachings of the Bible. Students also read and memorized the works of many American poets and authors.
Today in the year of 2011, they continue to leave out even more of proper morals in schools. They leave out the most important thing, which is trusting and believing in the Bible and Jesus!
So that's why there is such awful things that happen in some public schools like, bulling, suicide, unplanned teen pregnancies, drug and alcohol abuse, homosexuality and Shootings.
They now teach Sex Ed and Etc.....The schools are no longer like they were in the 1850s,
God and the Bible were thrown out because the U.S has become more liberal in their thinking, without concern for Biblical values and morals.
That is why, my parents Home-school me so I don't pick up any of that junk!
I am very greatful that I do not witness those horrific things or tragedies first hand.
Thank you, for reading!!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
The history of Farm Families and Plantations.
Hey Everyone,
Today I am, going to talk about my subject's in History.
Which are Family Farms and Plantations.
Family Farms.
In 1850, more than 80 percent of America's 23 million people still lived on farms or in small towns.
A farmer faced many challenges in the farming life. But thankfully for the inventions it made plowing and farming a lot easier, Some of the inventions are the Steel Plow, Reaper, and Combine.
Farm Families worked hard to make a living, and each family member did his share of chores
Farm life, though busy, was seasoned with fun and laughter and offered many rewards, including
abundant food, safe surroundings, close family ties, and the satisfaction of a job well done.
At the close of the day, families often read stories and sang together; many families finished the day with Bible reading and prayer time.
The farm provided a number of places for children to romp and play after their chores were completed. When wheather permitted, they played outdoors in the orchards, pastures, and woods.
On a rainy day, they might play hide-and-seek in the barn. Between work an play, farm childern never ran out of things to do.
Steel plow
The Reaper.
The combine.
Though most lived on small farms, some Southern families managed large plantations
which used slave labor to produce cash crops such as Tobacco, Rice, Sugar cane, and Cotton.
Whereas farm famliles did all of the physical labor themselves, the plantation family supervised
the labor and managed the production and sale of their crops. Most plantation owners valued their slaves and treated them well.
The men managed the slaves in the field, while the woman supervised the household slaves.
Why do, you think it was great to live in that time?
Leave me a comment anwsering my questian.
Thank you, for reading have a great day!
It would be great to live in those times because everyone worked with eachother
and had bonding time!
And there was never a moment of boredom, for the children they alway's kept busy!
Today I am, going to talk about my subject's in History.
Which are Family Farms and Plantations.
Family Farms.
In 1850, more than 80 percent of America's 23 million people still lived on farms or in small towns.
A farmer faced many challenges in the farming life. But thankfully for the inventions it made plowing and farming a lot easier, Some of the inventions are the Steel Plow, Reaper, and Combine.
Farm Families worked hard to make a living, and each family member did his share of chores
Farm life, though busy, was seasoned with fun and laughter and offered many rewards, including
abundant food, safe surroundings, close family ties, and the satisfaction of a job well done.
At the close of the day, families often read stories and sang together; many families finished the day with Bible reading and prayer time.
The farm provided a number of places for children to romp and play after their chores were completed. When wheather permitted, they played outdoors in the orchards, pastures, and woods.
On a rainy day, they might play hide-and-seek in the barn. Between work an play, farm childern never ran out of things to do.
Though most lived on small farms, some Southern families managed large plantations
which used slave labor to produce cash crops such as Tobacco, Rice, Sugar cane, and Cotton.
Whereas farm famliles did all of the physical labor themselves, the plantation family supervised
the labor and managed the production and sale of their crops. Most plantation owners valued their slaves and treated them well.
The men managed the slaves in the field, while the woman supervised the household slaves.
Why do, you think it was great to live in that time?
Leave me a comment anwsering my questian.
Thank you, for reading have a great day!
It would be great to live in those times because everyone worked with eachother
and had bonding time!
And there was never a moment of boredom, for the children they alway's kept busy!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Yay go Superbowl and My Party!!!
Hey Everyone,
This was the best weekend ever, I was very busy!!!
On February 4th, I had a Birthday party with all of my friend's!!!
There was 11 girl's, it was really fun we all had a great time.
My Mom throw's the best Parties, in the world!! We had alot
of games, I won the Paddle-Ball game it was really epic!! I had 75 hit's in
1 minute. I had alot of neat and sweet present's!! My friends and I were also
jugging soda in a minute in which I won at BELCHING!!!!! Whooooooooooooooot go Belching soda!
It was awesome so I am very very greatful for my Mom doing all this for me. I could
not ask for a Better Mom, I just want to say Thank You Mommy!!!
One of my closes Friends made me a Scrapbook fillled with awesome
pictures of us and I will always remember and love this gift
it is one of the best!! Since, it is a gift I can continue to add to over the years to come.

One of my Friend's gave me a 165ct bucket of Bubble Gum it's already half empty
hehe!! That might be because I like chewed all of it!!
We all had aloooot of sugar!! I was high on SUGAR it was awesome!!
Hahaha one of my good friends and I didn't crash until 3:45am in the morning,
I could not stay awake any more my eye lids were like dead they could not do
anything but stay shut!!!
Then before bedtime we had a scanverger hunt, we had a list of thing's we had to retrieve from neighbors like A Peanut in a shell, An Empty Tissue Roll, An Item From The Lord's Supper...etc...There were 12 items to collect and photograph.
On Saturday night I was soooooo tired that I went to bed at 7:35pm. Trust me, I have never slept better then that night.

Whooooooooooooooooooooooot goooo Superbowl!!!!!!!!!!!
This year for Superbowl we had are Church Family over. It was a great
time of Fellowship with each other and alot of food and YELLING. Gee wiz,
talk about having a headache!!! Oh my gosh it was a close game it
was Stealers and Packers...21pts Stealer's and 35pts Packers, it was a pretty EPIC
game!!! My friend was with me and we had a great time eating and watching the game......I don't know who you guy's were for but I was for PACKERS ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!
Lol haha now the food we had was Steak, Chip's, dips, my mom's homemade spaghetti, Chicken Casserole, Chile, salads, great homemade cakes and Soda.
Now that is a lot of yummy stuff, I have to say my favorite food was the spaghetti...
Yummmmmy, anyway's I am probaly making you guy's hungry so I gotta go!
Thank you, for reading "Go Packers"
This was the best weekend ever, I was very busy!!!
On February 4th, I had a Birthday party with all of my friend's!!!
There was 11 girl's, it was really fun we all had a great time.
My Mom throw's the best Parties, in the world!! We had alot
of games, I won the Paddle-Ball game it was really epic!! I had 75 hit's in
1 minute. I had alot of neat and sweet present's!! My friends and I were also
jugging soda in a minute in which I won at BELCHING!!!!! Whooooooooooooooot go Belching soda!
It was awesome so I am very very greatful for my Mom doing all this for me. I could
not ask for a Better Mom, I just want to say Thank You Mommy!!!
One of my closes Friends made me a Scrapbook fillled with awesome
pictures of us and I will always remember and love this gift
it is one of the best!! Since, it is a gift I can continue to add to over the years to come.
One of my Friend's gave me a 165ct bucket of Bubble Gum it's already half empty
hehe!! That might be because I like chewed all of it!!
We all had aloooot of sugar!! I was high on SUGAR it was awesome!!
Hahaha one of my good friends and I didn't crash until 3:45am in the morning,
I could not stay awake any more my eye lids were like dead they could not do
anything but stay shut!!!
Then before bedtime we had a scanverger hunt, we had a list of thing's we had to retrieve from neighbors like A Peanut in a shell, An Empty Tissue Roll, An Item From The Lord's Supper...etc...There were 12 items to collect and photograph.
On Saturday night I was soooooo tired that I went to bed at 7:35pm. Trust me, I have never slept better then that night.
Whooooooooooooooooooooooot goooo Superbowl!!!!!!!!!!!
This year for Superbowl we had are Church Family over. It was a great
time of Fellowship with each other and alot of food and YELLING. Gee wiz,
talk about having a headache!!! Oh my gosh it was a close game it
was Stealers and Packers...21pts Stealer's and 35pts Packers, it was a pretty EPIC
game!!! My friend was with me and we had a great time eating and watching the game......I don't know who you guy's were for but I was for PACKERS ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!
Lol haha now the food we had was Steak, Chip's, dips, my mom's homemade spaghetti, Chicken Casserole, Chile, salads, great homemade cakes and Soda.
Now that is a lot of yummy stuff, I have to say my favorite food was the spaghetti...
Yummmmmy, anyway's I am probaly making you guy's hungry so I gotta go!
Thank you, for reading "Go Packers"
Monday, January 31, 2011
My Health book and it's surprises.
Hi Everyone,
Today is about my Health book and how it likes to surprise me.
I am in unit 1 it is called Physical Fitness: The active life..Aka Chapter 1-2.
The Cell Membrane is the part that surrounds and protects the other parts of the cell.
It forms the outer most layer through which nutrients and oxygen maybe transported
into the cell and waste such as carbon dioxide maybe removed from the cell.
The Cell Membrane is very selective, allowing certain substances to enter the cell;
if the membrane shall ever malfunction, the delicate, vital inner part's of the cell could
easily be invaded by harmful substances from outside the cell membrane, and the cell would
die in a short time.
This is it alive.
A dead Cell Membrane.
Lymph Nodes, enlarge bunches of lymphatic tissue located at various points along the
lymph vessels, in which the lymph is cleansed of debris and microbes.
Lymph nodes are somewhat bean-shaped and may come in a variety of sizes, though
most are about 1inch long.
Lymph Node.

Heart and Aorta.
Cardiac Muscle.
Thank you, for reading have a excellent day!
Today is about my Health book and how it likes to surprise me.
I am in unit 1 it is called Physical Fitness: The active life..Aka Chapter 1-2.
The Cell Membrane is the part that surrounds and protects the other parts of the cell.
It forms the outer most layer through which nutrients and oxygen maybe transported
into the cell and waste such as carbon dioxide maybe removed from the cell.
The Cell Membrane is very selective, allowing certain substances to enter the cell;
if the membrane shall ever malfunction, the delicate, vital inner part's of the cell could
easily be invaded by harmful substances from outside the cell membrane, and the cell would
die in a short time.
Lymph Nodes, enlarge bunches of lymphatic tissue located at various points along the
lymph vessels, in which the lymph is cleansed of debris and microbes.
Lymph nodes are somewhat bean-shaped and may come in a variety of sizes, though
most are about 1inch long.
Thank you, for reading have a excellent day!
Friday, January 28, 2011
My favorite thing in History that I studied.
Hello today,
Is all about History and what my favorite thing was that I studied about.
So it "The Pony Express" that really got my attention on what it is about.
The Pony Express was looking for young, skinny, well trained on how to ride a
horse and to always be ready for death. They must be expert riders it first started
at St. Joseph, Missouri where they would have young Men and Boy's try out, they mostly preferred orphans. The paper in San Francisco ran this ad in March 1860, to attract different riders and see what there experience was on a Horse.The rider most have a mail bag over his/her shoulder at all times to be able to carry the mail. After 10 miles they came to a relay station where he/her would mount a new fresh horse. When the rider has reached 8 such mail transfers he hands the mail bag to a new man who continues on a new fresh horse.

Those would be the poster's you would see for a man/boy wanted for work. "Not over 18 must be expert rider, willing to risk death daily.Wages is $25 per week".that's what the tiny writing says.
This is a stamp from the Pony Express mail that they would put on the mail. These are very important without them the mail can not go any where.
This would be the map they travel.
Thank you, for reading have a nice day.
Is all about History and what my favorite thing was that I studied about.
So it "The Pony Express" that really got my attention on what it is about.
The Pony Express was looking for young, skinny, well trained on how to ride a
horse and to always be ready for death. They must be expert riders it first started
at St. Joseph, Missouri where they would have young Men and Boy's try out, they mostly preferred orphans. The paper in San Francisco ran this ad in March 1860, to attract different riders and see what there experience was on a Horse.The rider most have a mail bag over his/her shoulder at all times to be able to carry the mail. After 10 miles they came to a relay station where he/her would mount a new fresh horse. When the rider has reached 8 such mail transfers he hands the mail bag to a new man who continues on a new fresh horse.
Those would be the poster's you would see for a man/boy wanted for work. "Not over 18 must be expert rider, willing to risk death daily.Wages is $25 per week".that's what the tiny writing says.
Thank you, for reading have a nice day.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Hey Yall,
Today is another Blog day so ill tell you guy's some more about some interesting thing's I am studying. Here are a list of the Subjects ill talk about.
1. Science.
2. History.
4. Reading.
Okay let's start with Science if you have read my most recent Blog you know
that I have been in my test, book on chapter 9 well say goodbye I did chapter 10 and I completed my test book!!! Yay!!!! So now that I finished my Science book I am going to start my Health book soon. I will tell some of my favorite chapters
and what they are about! I will have to go with chapter 6 which is about Bird's.
I am going to tell some interesting fact's about these creatures.....Most bird's have very sharp hearing like the Owl, for example, they can hear well enough to hunt for small rodent's by sound alone, even when it cannot see them. Some other bird's, such as the Cave Swiftlet, use their sensitive ears to "see" in caves; the birds produce clicking sounds as they fly and navigate by the echoes.
Alright now time for History! Hmmm today I did Time Line Test which was very
fun and interesting like in 1807 First successful steamboat, 1815 Miner's safety lamp was invented, 1831 the Reaping machine was developed.....With out a Miner lamp alot of Miners would have not been able to see or probably would have made it very difficult to mine.
Now finally but not least Reading one my favorite subjects, The book I just
completed is Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen....This is about a Boy named Brice and a Girl named Julianna and they love eachother in the 9th grade but they dont relize it untill there lives
are turned around.
Thank you, for reading have a great day!
Today is another Blog day so ill tell you guy's some more about some interesting thing's I am studying. Here are a list of the Subjects ill talk about.
1. Science.
2. History.
4. Reading.
Okay let's start with Science if you have read my most recent Blog you know
that I have been in my test, book on chapter 9 well say goodbye I did chapter 10 and I completed my test book!!! Yay!!!! So now that I finished my Science book I am going to start my Health book soon. I will tell some of my favorite chapters
and what they are about! I will have to go with chapter 6 which is about Bird's.
I am going to tell some interesting fact's about these creatures.....Most bird's have very sharp hearing like the Owl, for example, they can hear well enough to hunt for small rodent's by sound alone, even when it cannot see them. Some other bird's, such as the Cave Swiftlet, use their sensitive ears to "see" in caves; the birds produce clicking sounds as they fly and navigate by the echoes.
Alright now time for History! Hmmm today I did Time Line Test which was very
fun and interesting like in 1807 First successful steamboat, 1815 Miner's safety lamp was invented, 1831 the Reaping machine was developed.....With out a Miner lamp alot of Miners would have not been able to see or probably would have made it very difficult to mine.
Now finally but not least Reading one my favorite subjects, The book I just
completed is Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen....This is about a Boy named Brice and a Girl named Julianna and they love eachother in the 9th grade but they dont relize it untill there lives
are turned around.
Thank you, for reading have a great day!
Monday, January 24, 2011
My fun life as a homeschooler.
Hi Everyone,
Lately Ive been studying some pretty neat thing's in some of my
Subjestc's so ill share with you guy's what some of those thing's are.
Okay here's one of the subject's and what Ive been doing,
Math I'm doing Pre-Algerbra and I'm studying about Multiplying-Subtracting
with Fraction's and it's pretty cool when you think about it really well.
Like some of them almost trick Me and I'm like WHOA who would have guessed
that!!!! Then other times I study about Sides of shapes and there angles,
Some of the angles are Obtuse, Acute, Right Angle, and Left Angle.

One of the other Subjects is History, today 1-24-11 I studied about
Cyrus McCormick and how he became a millionaire with his invention's
He donated alot of that money to the gospel ministry of Dwilight L Moody.
Only 6,000 families in the entire South had over 50 slaves in 1850.
In Science I completed my book so I'm doing my Test Book and I'm on
chapter 8 in my test book. That is about the Earth's magnetic field, it is
awesome to know all this stuff about the Earth. Like that a vast doughnut shaped bands that consist of protons and electrons of the solar wind is called Magnetosphere.
Spanish I am doing different times of the day,ill give you guy's some examples. At 9:00, At 10:00, At 11:00, At 12:00, and At 1:00 now let's
see them all in Spanish. A las nueve, A las diez, A las once, A las uno, and
A las douce.
Last Thursday we went on a field trip to Table Stone Mountain.
It was really interesting and neat how it form's which I will explain to you guy's. Table Mountain is an example of inverted topography. Topography describes a formation that is a mountain or a hill that used to be a valley floor. An example of
how this happens is when a lava flow flows down a canyon and fills the bottom and forms basalt is left, forming a plateau with inverted topography. Table Mountain.

Thank you, for reading have a nice day!
Lately Ive been studying some pretty neat thing's in some of my
Subjestc's so ill share with you guy's what some of those thing's are.
Okay here's one of the subject's and what Ive been doing,
Math I'm doing Pre-Algerbra and I'm studying about Multiplying-Subtracting
with Fraction's and it's pretty cool when you think about it really well.
Like some of them almost trick Me and I'm like WHOA who would have guessed
that!!!! Then other times I study about Sides of shapes and there angles,
Some of the angles are Obtuse, Acute, Right Angle, and Left Angle.
One of the other Subjects is History, today 1-24-11 I studied about
Cyrus McCormick and how he became a millionaire with his invention's
He donated alot of that money to the gospel ministry of Dwilight L Moody.
Only 6,000 families in the entire South had over 50 slaves in 1850.
In Science I completed my book so I'm doing my Test Book and I'm on
chapter 8 in my test book. That is about the Earth's magnetic field, it is
awesome to know all this stuff about the Earth. Like that a vast doughnut shaped bands that consist of protons and electrons of the solar wind is called Magnetosphere.
Spanish I am doing different times of the day,ill give you guy's some examples. At 9:00, At 10:00, At 11:00, At 12:00, and At 1:00 now let's
see them all in Spanish. A las nueve, A las diez, A las once, A las uno, and
A las douce.
Last Thursday we went on a field trip to Table Stone Mountain.
It was really interesting and neat how it form's which I will explain to you guy's. Table Mountain is an example of inverted topography. Topography describes a formation that is a mountain or a hill that used to be a valley floor. An example of
how this happens is when a lava flow flows down a canyon and fills the bottom and forms basalt is left, forming a plateau with inverted topography. Table Mountain.
Thank you, for reading have a nice day!
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