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Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hey Yall,

Today is another Blog day so ill tell you guy's some more about some interesting thing's I am studying. Here are a list of the Subjects ill talk about.
1. Science.
2. History.
4. Reading.

Okay let's start with Science if you have read my most recent Blog you know
that I have been in my test, book on chapter 9 well say goodbye I did chapter 10 and I completed my test book!!! Yay!!!! So now that I finished my Science book I am going to start my Health book soon. I will tell some of my favorite chapters
and what they are about! I will have to go with chapter 6 which is about Bird's.
I am going to tell some interesting fact's about these creatures.....Most bird's have very sharp hearing like the Owl, for example, they can hear well enough to hunt for small rodent's by sound alone, even when it cannot see them. Some other bird's, such as the Cave Swiftlet, use their sensitive ears to "see" in caves; the birds produce clicking sounds as they fly and navigate by the echoes.

Alright now time for History! Hmmm today I did Time Line Test which was very
fun and interesting like in 1807 First successful steamboat, 1815 Miner's safety lamp was invented, 1831 the Reaping machine was developed.....With out a Miner lamp alot of Miners would have not been able to see or probably would have made it very difficult to mine.

Now finally but not least Reading one my favorite subjects, The book I just
completed is Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen....This is about a Boy named Brice and a Girl named Julianna and they love eachother in the 9th grade but they dont relize it untill there lives
are turned around.

Thank you, for reading have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Anna, I was so blessed to get to read this too. I was going to tell you, in answer to your comment on my comment (on your other blog), that I sure can tell you work hard to write the blogs. Great job here, too. I think you are doing a wonderful job on your homeschooling, and I hope you get points for doing this blog, too. Have a great rest of your day.
