Lately Ive been studying some pretty neat thing's in some of my
Subjestc's so ill share with you guy's what some of those thing's are.
Okay here's one of the subject's and what Ive been doing,
Math I'm doing Pre-Algerbra and I'm studying about Multiplying-Subtracting
with Fraction's and it's pretty cool when you think about it really well.
Like some of them almost trick Me and I'm like WHOA who would have guessed
that!!!! Then other times I study about Sides of shapes and there angles,
Some of the angles are Obtuse, Acute, Right Angle, and Left Angle.
One of the other Subjects is History, today 1-24-11 I studied about
Cyrus McCormick and how he became a millionaire with his invention's
He donated alot of that money to the gospel ministry of Dwilight L Moody.
Only 6,000 families in the entire South had over 50 slaves in 1850.
In Science I completed my book so I'm doing my Test Book and I'm on
chapter 8 in my test book. That is about the Earth's magnetic field, it is
awesome to know all this stuff about the Earth. Like that a vast doughnut shaped bands that consist of protons and electrons of the solar wind is called Magnetosphere.
Spanish I am doing different times of the day,ill give you guy's some examples. At 9:00, At 10:00, At 11:00, At 12:00, and At 1:00 now let's
see them all in Spanish. A las nueve, A las diez, A las once, A las uno, and
A las douce.
Last Thursday we went on a field trip to Table Stone Mountain.
It was really interesting and neat how it form's which I will explain to you guy's. Table Mountain is an example of inverted topography. Topography describes a formation that is a mountain or a hill that used to be a valley floor. An example of
how this happens is when a lava flow flows down a canyon and fills the bottom and forms basalt is left, forming a plateau with inverted topography. Table Mountain.
Thank you, for reading have a nice day!
Hi, I am so glad you posted a new blog. I keep checking, so I can see what you are up to. Isolino and I went to go to Table Mountain, but we couldn't find the way. Would love to see it, and maybe your family could show our family? I am impressed with what you are learning. I didn't know most of those things you are studying. I am proud of you and your Spanish and Pre Algebra! Keep up the good work.