About Me

Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Night blog.

Hey guys! What's up? I am laying in bed with a headache ): kinda sucks!!!! What have you all been up to this week?
I've been busy with school and being lazy hahah lazy is my job..... -_- hehe?? Today, March 12th 2013..

Got up this morning lol as usual except I over slept did school work.. Than layed in my messy room and watched Netflix on my tv!! Haha so exciting!! And than went to the store with my mom at around 4ish... Came home and chilled watched another movie finished some school talked to some friends... And now here with you wonderful people :)

Isn't it nice were all family here? We can't see each other but I consider us a family (: ever since I first started and we are apart of Gods family!! :3
Am I the only one who thinks y'all should comment on my blog??? I mean really... There's over 500 of you who read this... Korea said yes!! If they do one comment ill reply. Promise? If one person from where I live United States does it ill love u 2 death!! REPEAT!! D-E-A-T-H (:
I am giving my time and effort to you all give me some feed back y'all!!!!!! (; luv u!!

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