About Me

Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hey guy's!

How's life?  Hope it is going pretty awesome for all you special readers..
I am fine been sick lately..  So ever since I am sick I decided i'll write a Blog to keep me busy!
Good idea right?!  YES I CAME UP WITH IT!!!!  (Not my sister)

So tell me what have y'all been up too??  Hope you guy's dint miss me to much..  Aw you did??? No, no, no, don't cry!!  It's okay I'm back...  Okay so I am sure you all read my blog where I posted pictures of My Sister's art work?  Well one her Art Friend's on YouTube read it and told her that it is really good!!!!  NOW HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   
School is great!  Lately I am NOT enjoying Literature, why?  Well because I am reading a Classic book called "Silas Marner"  If you have ever read it than you know it is the MOST slow book in the whole world.. I had to read 5 chapter's before they actually mentioned Silas Marner....  In that moment I could hear the Angel's sing!!! -sniffs- It was a beautiful sound!

Ok than I am now going to stop......   You know what I realized?  I have realized that I am a Christian Music lunatic!!!!!  Well I would not say lunatic but maybe a Expert? No this is no joke!!!!!  We will be sitting in the car listening to radio and I can name the songs right off the bat... Kinda weird because I do that in my friend's car....   Everyone in my Family wonder's how I do that, I tell them it's because I listen to music a lot.. ITS TRUE I AM LISTENING TO MUSIC LIKE EVERY MINUTE OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

My Mom insists I become a DJ person at a Radio station.. Because of my talent. Yes, I have a talent...   Trust me if you search deep with in your soul you might find something.. Nah talent's aren't found like that only God blesses us with them, He's just waiting for us to find them..
My sister thinks I am the most Gullible person in the world.. Do you??
Joking it's a joke....Duh I knew that.... (No I dint) Yes I am gullible!!!!!   
Oh yeah I made up this joke that goes like "Is your computer fast? If it is get the Anna Box, she'll make it super slow"  Now tell me do you see the point in this???  Cause I surely do not see a Opening to this I am most certainly NOT slow only when I am doing math or card games................................... O_O

-silent- This is awkward................  GREAT NOW THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS THAT I AM SLOW AND UH................. gullible................   Isn't that great?!?!  Now do me a favor and tell the person sitting next to you that.....................You love them!!!!  Share the love!!!!
And most important the love of God...

Right now I am choking on a Cough Drop...  Ok it is official these cough drops are way to strong and honey flavored!!!!!!!!!!
Ok that's all for now catch you later!!!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!