About Me

Hello! Staus : Taken in Relationship with God.. Rainbows be God's promise to never flood earth again..! Brofist! :D

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Welcome to my blog!   How are you guys doing on this fine day?
Sorry I have not posted a blog recently been  busy with Life and School. So today I am taking the time to do one,  so kick back with a pound of bacon and enjoy!!!   

School is great!  My favorite subject this year is hmmmm...   Geography,  really good at it and enjoy it!   And I have to tell you guys my LEAST favorite subject is by faaaaaaaaaaaaar is..................................  Themes In  Literature!!!!!

My sister is obsessed with this Photo I have on my Ipod and it says " I like long walks on the beach and poetry and also poking dead things with a stick"  Now tell me how stupidly awesome that is!!!!!!!!!!    Now you all know that my sister is a Artist so I will post some pictures of her Art Work...

 By M.W.

 By M.W.

 By M.W.

 By M.W

 By M.W.

That  is a small portion of her art work!  Please do not try to copy....  We would greatly appreciate it if you did not copy her art work... Thank you!   Aw don't cry I know its beautiful but no need to cry over it...  I know I've cried over her work too!!!!  (Not really)
Moving on.....  How many off y'all go to the fast food place called In & out??  Well if you do make sure to look on the bottom of the small cup, they put a book from the Bible with the verse. Now its time to get serious!
Are you ready?  Here it is........................................................................

BEHOLD!!!  THE PUPPY!!!!!!    Yes, take a good look.. Okay looking time over!!! STOP LOOKING!
Your still looking...  Don't make me delete the picture!?!?!  That would make him very sad.. :(

Look's like this is another random moment with Anna-Boo!!
Talk to you guys soon!  :)